Horns Up: High ratings for energy conservation
Austin has yet another reason to pat itself on the back. In a report released Tuesday by the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy, Austin was given high marks for its efforts to conserve energy, ranking sixth in the nation. Although water usage remains our Achilles’ heel, Austin’s steps to limit energy use deserve special recognition.
Horns Down: Texas-sized poverty numbers
According to U.S. Census data released Tuesday, Texas has the highest rate of people without health insurance and one of the highest rates of people living in poverty. While Texas’ current economic policies are a boon for the state in the short term, our leaders need to realize that a population without access to basic needs is a population without a hope for a vibrant future.
Horns Up: Bag ban is here to stay
The Texas Retailers Association has dropped its lawsuit against the city of Austin’s single-use plastic bag ban. We don’t have much sympathy for companies wishing to return to their prior wasteful ways, and feel that the bag ban — while by no means solving the problems of pollution and waste — is at least in the right kind of conservationist spirit.
Horns Down: Lou Holtz to the rescue
ESPN football analyst Lou Holtz enthusiastically defended Texas head coach Mack Brown in an on-air debate over whether the UT coach should keep his job. After being outvoted by his fellow broadcasters, Holtz exploded, yelling, “I am damn sick and tired of everybody jumping on coach,” before stomping off the set. We hope Brown considers listing Holtz as a reference while he looks for a new job.