The Election Supervisory Board received a complaint on Monday from a Student Government representative candidate, David Maly, who claimed that Alexander Chase, associate editor at The Daily Texan, maliciously filed an inaccurate complaint of the Helgren-Kim campaign.
David Maly, a journalism and economics senior, is currently running for communication representative in the Student Government elections. He said he wants to fight for ethical journalism at the University.
“It’s bad enough for any student to do that, but for a member of The Daily Texan editorial board to do that is even worse because getting involved in student politics in a dishonest way is inappropriate,” Maly said.
However, Chase, Plan II junior and sole candidate for editor-in-chief of The Daily Texan, said he submitted his complaint for ethical reasons.
“For David Maly to say I’m lying is a complete misrepresentation,” Chase said.
David Engleman, chair on the Election Supervisory Board, said a case is only dismissed if there are not grounds for hearing a case. He said the Election Supervisory Board wants to give everyone their best chance to state their case.
“Because we did not feel like this case had the grounds for dismissal for the Election Supervisory Board, we are going to hear the case with an open mind,” Engleman said.
Chase initially submitted a complaint of the Helgren-Kim campaign for early campaigning. The complaint was heard first by the Election Supervisory Board, which ruled unanimously in favor of Chase. It was later heard by the SG Supreme Court, which overturned ESB’s ruling, saying the Helgren-Kim campaign had not committed a violation.
The court also said if it had jurisdiction over Texas Student Media elections, it would further investigate Chase’s complaint.
“We would investigate whether petitioner has misrepresented himself and/or abused the ESB and Supreme Court system,” the court said.
In response to the opinion, Chase said he felt ethically bound to submit his initial complaint.
“The ESB will likely acknowledge — considering they ruled unanimously in my favor — that the process was necessary,” Chase said.