Associate managing editor criticizes college newspaper one more time, knows it won’t be the last

Emily Hernandez

This paper has made me cry a lot. Mostly stress tears, but that’s a staple of most jobs under capitalism. Somehow, this paper also continues to attract many talented, kind people who I have had the privilege of working with for the past three years.

First of all, I just want to say that this paper will forever be in debt to the founders of the Diversity and Inclusion Board — María Méndez, Forrest Milburn, Lisa Nhan and Tiana Woodard. The Daily Texan is far from a healthy, inclusive workplace, but there are so many people here who care enough to keep striving to make it one. I hope I contributed to that in some way because it will always be important to me.

It’s fitting that the last thing I write for the Texan is not for the paper at all. It’s for my peers and (hopefully) lifelong friends who have helped prepare me for a (hopefully) fulfilling journalism career.

Lisa, Tiana and Faith — Thank you for showing me what it means to be a compassionate journalist and person and for empowering me to always stand up for what’s right. Can we please hang out at Lisa’s again? Because I desperately miss her cooking.

My news department — Thank you for letting me be your news editor and not overthrowing me when I took three to five business days to respond to texts. It has been a privilege watching y’all grow as journalists, and I am always rooting for you.

Areeba, Ariana and Hal — Thank you for helping me lead this newsroom with tact and grace this semester. I am grateful to know such talented, passionate people.

Trinady — Thank you for being one of my first friends in the basement and for letting me crash at your place when my fire alarms go off at 2 a.m. It was an honor to serve on your leadership team.

Megan — I wouldn’t be where I am today without you. Thank you for your unrelenting support and love even when I don’t feel I deserve it or when I only turned in two stories on a print night.

Lauren and Neelam — Thank you for being the best friends I could ask for. I literally cannot continue this unforgiving life without y’all, so you’re kinda stuck with me. I hope that’s okay. I can’t wait to buy a house in Connecticut with y’all.

Mom, Dad and Sarah — Thank you for being my biggest supporters. I love you guys so much. It’s fun being the fuck-up older sister in a STEM family, Sarah. I am so glad you’re a million times better than me.

Unfortunately, I don’t have the space to thank every person at this paper who has challenged and inspired me. To name a few more, Claire, Meghan, Kirsten, Savana, Nicole and Angelica, thank you for being a part of my life.

As much as I criticize this paper, I am proud of the work we do. I wouldn’t have stuck around for so long if I didn’t believe in it. We always have to do better, but I’m really glad I got to be a part of the Texan’s legacy. I hope the time and effort I invested here has helped at least one person.