Dusting off their boots, women’s swim, dive brushes aside TCU

Jackson Crawford, Sports Reporter

The Texas women’s swimming and diving team had its first in-conference meet as they hosted TCU in the Dust Off Your Boots Invitational on Oct. 7. Texas routed the Horned Frogs, defeating them by almost 100 points.

The Longhorns’ victory had a lot to do with the success of junior Anna Elendt, as well as the overall domination of the diving squad. Elendt finished the meet with 29 points to her name, while the divers as a group took home 32 of the 38 points available to them.

Elendt’s day started in the first event as a member of the B Relay for Texas in the 400 Medley Relay. The Texas B quartet bested the Texas A Relay by just a tenth of a second, but both beat the TCU A Relay by at least six seconds.

Elendt then moved on to the 50-yard Breaststroke, winning by over two seconds for her first individual event of the day. Her final race of the day was the 200-yard Breaststroke, in which she left no doubt. In her last race, Elendt posted a time almost a full eight seconds faster than the next closest swimmer. 

Elendt was joined by junior Grace Cooper and sophomore Oliva McMurray as significant factors in the win on the swimming side. Cooper was also a member of the 400 Medley Relay with Elendt, and she also swam the 50 Free and 50 Fly. McMurray is a known distance swimmer, taking home second in the 1000-yard Free and first in the 500-yard Free.

The Texas women divers were a bright spot in the meet. Junior Bridget O’Neil was the highest-scoring diver with 13 points, but it was a team effort with four different divers earning points.

Freshman Sarah Carruthers accrued seven total points, as the Toronto product competed in both the 1-meter and 3-meter diving events. Sophomore Hailey Hernandez earned nine points of her own. Though an Olympian in 2020 for the 3-meter, Hernandez found her points in the 1-meter event. Senior Janie Boyle rounded out the scoring, taking home third place in the 3-meter event.

The Longhorns will be back in action on Oct. 21 against Texas A&M and Indiana in Austin, Texas at the Lee and Joe Jamail Texas Swimming Center.