Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

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October 4, 2022

Associate Video Editor writes her first and last piece for the Texan

Ali Shirazi

Writing this piece means the end of a journey that I started my first semester at UT. Seventeen-year-old me would never imagine leaving the Texan after just two years, but she would also not understand how much I have learned and how much this organization has given me.

I put off writing this hoping that I would have the perfect words to describe my time at the Texan, and I can confidently say, I still don’t know what those words are. Ironically, that may be the perfect way to describe my time here. It feels a little odd to have my last piece for the Texan be typed out rather than shot on a camera, but some would argue that there is never a better time than the present to try something new. 

Playful jokes, sarcastic comments and unconditional support is what makes video the department that it is. The video department has been so much of me for the past five semesters, I have gotten to watch it grow, sometimes fail, and other times do brilliant things. 

When I first got to UT I was a government major. I transferred to journalism because of the Texan, which is a silly thing considering I don’t want to be a journalist. I can thank video for that decision, and I have never regretted it. It is bittersweet to leave something that has been so foundational to me for the past two years.

I am incredibly thankful that the Texan welcomed me with open arms and prepared me to expect the unexpected. No other organization would have me covering a powerful protest, capturing incredibly emotional moments, or standing on the field at Darrell K Royal-Texas Memorial Stadium inches away from Bevo. 

If I thanked everybody who deserved a thank you, this would be a very long piece, so I will spare you that. But there are a few people who should never question the role they played in my time here.

To Shez and Firdous, I don’t know if my time at the Texan would have been longer than a semester if I had not met both of you. Shez, you gave me one of my first homes on campus and both of you are an inspiration to me everyday. Thank you for welcoming me, checking in on me, and encouraging me to be better.

Amaya, you so quickly have become someone that I can always turn to for support. I have gotten to watch you grow as a journalist and person. You are the most genuine person I know, and I aspire to embody the grace that you do.

Ali, Ky, Joseph, and Miriam, you have become my friends outside of the Texan, and for that I am always thankful. The passion, talent and humility you all possess is something I look up to every day. 

And most importantly, my parents, who encourage me to make the biggest decisions, like switching my major or joining the Texan (and leaving it), and continue to support me through it.

I had to search up what a 30 meant, as a typical video reporter would do, and learned that it is used by journalists to show the end of a piece. This information is what reminded me that this truly is the end of a journey for me. I expected to feel more of a loss as I wrote this, and I am sure I will feel it eventually, but I can only remember the precious memories and lessons the Texan has given me.

I will miss coming to the basement at ridiculously late hours, and the inevitable laughter and love that came with every pitch meeting. I am excited to see what I will do with all my new free time. Most importantly, I hope that everybody finds just a fraction of that same love that I did when I first found the Texan at 17 years old. 


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