Claire Rosinkranz danced in the “backyard” of Stubb’s “boy” on March 12 for South by Southwest. The singer gained popularity with her TikTok-famous hit “Backyard Boy” in 2020. Following two successful EPs, she released her debut album, “Just Because” in 2023. After experiencing health issues, which she spoke about on social media, Rosinkranz returned to performing.
Though Rosinkranz’s performance only included a short set as part of the C3 Management and Do512 Showcase, it proved that everybody should experience a Claire Rosinkranz show at least once — and that she is back on the upcoming artists to watch list.
Wearing a ruby red skirt, patterned tights and a polka dot blouse, Rosinkranz glowed in the colorful light of Stubb’s Waller Creek Amphitheater. Her classical ballet training shines through in her natural stage presence and cool-girl performance vibe. Putting on a set filled with unreleased songs and day one demos, including “Jaden,” “Lucy” and “Funeral,” Rosinkranz also pleased fans with deep cuts and favorites like “don’t miss me,” “Frankenstein” and “Backyard Boy.”
Rosinkranz explained her songs’ meanings to the crowd. She said “Lucy” is about “having a gut feeling about something,” and said her sister, who broke up with her boyfriend and later got back together with him, inspired “Jaden.” “Jaden” and “Lucy” contain catchy, repeat-worthy choruses that could go viral. Rosinkranz knows her audience, and she is leaning into it. In “Jaden” she sings, “You make me feel blue ‘cuz I think about you tying my shoes, and laughing between kisses this is torture like my dirty dishes,” going for relatability. She goes on to sarcastically sing “I’m not even embarrassed ‘cuz I know you’re what I need,” a relatable lyric highlighting the feeling of knowing going back to someone is a bad idea, but believing it’s meant to be.
Rosinkranz’s lyricism and stage presence elevated the show, and the fact that every song she writes becomes a hit made it even more prevalent — Claire Rosinkranz is back. It’s been five years since “Backyard Boy” blew up, and she’s used its virality to bring attention to her new music. Between teasing the music online and performing it live, Rosinkranz will surely get fans excited for her next project.
“I can’t even express to you the fact that I don’t think anyone is more upset than I am about the fact that I haven’t released music (since 2023),” Rosinkranz shared on TikTok following the performance. However, she said the single “Lucy” will be coming out very soon.