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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan


City opens BMX, skate park to general approval

Harold Fisch June 17, 2011

Skaters and bikers took to the pavement at a new park Thursday, showing off tricks on ramps and rails clear of scuff marks. The city opened the Austin BMX and Skate Park to the public Thursday....

City Council explores expansion of urban rail system

Katrina Tollin June 15, 2011

Austin residents may see a change in the way they commute as the City Council is revisiting the potential of the urban rail in hopes of meeting the needs of an increasingly congested city. In a...

Aid groups seek to ease burden of gentrification

Jillian Bliss June 15, 2011

A study conducted by UT undergraduates is helping longtime East Austin residents receive the funds they need to remain in their homes. Members of the East Austin Conservancy and People Organized...

‘Keep Austin Beatiful’ hosts cleanup of Lady Bird Lake

Harold Fisch June 13, 2011

Dozens of Austin residents joined the throngs of dogs and joggers at Lady Bird Lake on Saturday in an annual cleanup project hosted by Keep Austin Beautiful. The nonprofit group works in conjunction...

Police act to cut down on alcohol-related accidents at biker rally

Katrina Tollin June 13, 2011

This year the Austin Police Department cracked down on drunk driving during the annual Republic of Texas Biker Rally with a no-refusal weekend. An expected 40,000 motorcyclists and motorcycle-enthusiasts...

City Council takes steps to tap federal tax credits

Harold Fisch June 13, 2011

The plan proposed by The Economic Growth and Redevelopement Services Office would allow the city to access the New Markets Tax Credit Program, which channels billions of dollars in federal tax credits...

SlutWalk rallies to give voice to sexual assault victims

Victoria Pagan June 13, 2011

The Capitol lawn hosted some unusual outfits ranging from corsets and thongs to sundresses and sweat pants Saturday as 400 people gathered to condemn a culture that blames rape victims in SlutWalk...

Cyclists’ travel patterns mined for research data

Diego Cruz June 10, 2011

Researchers are tracking Austin cyclists to better understand how they travel through the city. The application CycleTracks records routes cyclists take using the GPS function of their smartphones,...

Republic of Texas Biker Rally boosts local hospitality industry

Will Alsdorf June 9, 2011

The 16th annual Republic of Texas Biker Rally starts revving its engine at the Travis County Exposition Center today and runs through Sunday. ROT Rally, the largest motorcycle rally in Texas, started...

Professor promotes book on myths of science

Allison Harris June 9, 2011

There is no proof Galileo dropped objects from the Leaning Tower of Pisa to compare the rate of their falls, but popular science still promotes that myth and many others, said an associate history professor...

Gas prices decline, but remain far from last year’s range

Diego Cruz June 9, 2011

Austin drivers are paying less for gas this month, but filling the tank is still emptying pockets quicker than it did last June. Gasoline prices in Austin are down more than 20 cents per gallon...

Professor creates fitness program geared toward minorities

Liz Farmer June 7, 2011

Blue, pink and black shirts emblazoned with a cowgirl boot or a high-heel shoe will help fund a fitness program geared toward minority women in Austin. Associate government professor Terri Givens...

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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin