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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan


LBJ School celebrates legacy, birthday of Barbara Jordan

Amy Thornton February 21, 2011

The LBJ School of Public Affairs will celebrate the 75th birthday of one of its most well-known professors with a weeklong tribute to honor the life and work of Barbara Jordan. The first black woman...

Student radio stations unite against buyouts

Marty McAndrews February 21, 2011

UT’s student radio station, KVRX, simultaneously broadcasted an Internet feed of a California freeform community radio station Friday afternoon to draw attention to the disappearance of student...

Students push for meat-free Mondays

Allie Kolechta February 21, 2011

A giant yellow chick wandered the West Mall on Friday as students stopped to pick up “Support Meatless Mondays!” pins and sign a petition for an initiative by PETA. Students Against...

Panelists weigh in on prisoner and detainee rights

Marty McAndrews February 21, 2011

One in every 100 Americans is serving time in prison, and the state of Texas alone has 150,000 people incarcerated, said Tiffany Dowling, a clinical instructor in the School of Law. Five panelists...

UT’s campaign to raise capital sees donations spike in 2011

Matthew Stottlemyre February 21, 2011

Editor’s Note: This is the first in a four-part series examining the sources of UT’s funding. The University’s $3 billion capital campaign has received more donations in 2011 than...

Valley officials challenge outcome of census count

Bobby Cervantes February 21, 2011

Editor’s note: This is the final installment in a two-part series about the 2010 Census in South Texas. Before the official ensus count ended, community activists and local elected officials...

Board lets Lions Golf Course lease expire

Jasmin Sun February 21, 2011

Dense greenery may be a rarity in Central Texas but so is passing on the opportunity to generate additional millions in revenue. The UT System Board of Regents voted unanimously Friday to allow...

SG candidates found innocent of breaking campaign rules

Ahsika Sanders February 21, 2011

The Elections Supervisory Board ruled Friday that the executive alliance of Abel Mulugheta and Sameer Desai did not violate election codes for early campaigning. SG presidential candidate Andrew...

Mental health care advocates call on lawmakers for funds

Jake Hong February 18, 2011

Funding for mental health care keeps people out of the prison system and encourages proper diagnosis and treatment, members of the National Alliance on Mental Illness said at a rally Thursday. A...

Survivors decry campus gun legislation

William James Gerlich February 18, 2011

Two survivors of the 2007 Virginia Tech shooting want Texas lawmakers to vote against bills that would allow students to carry concealed handguns on campus, they said at a press conference Thursday. Sen....

Students petition regents for socially aware investing

Matthew Stottlemyre February 18, 2011

A UT student presented a resolution to the UT System Board of Regents on Thursday suggesting that they change the system investment policy, which the student said disregards the social and political...

Census problems plague border towns

Bobby Cervantes February 18, 2011

Editor’s note: This is the first installment in a two-part series about the 2010 census in South Texas. A group of long-standing community groups and local officials are ramping up their charge...

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