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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan


Expo features Texas Venture Labs

Collin Eaton November 22, 2010

Hundreds of entrepreneurs and investors listened intently Friday as Dan Street, founder of a company that attempts to connect people with their neighborhood, showed off his new spin on social connections...

Methodists to vote on GLBT inclusion

Audrey White November 22, 2010

This winter, the University United Methodist Church at 24th and Guadalupe streets may join a growing list of Methodist churches across the country that are officially open to GLBT Christians. The church’s...

Bookstore to open inside Dobie Mall, offer rental option

Allison Kroll November 22, 2010

Students will have a new alternative for textbook rentals and purchases starting next week. BookHolders, a 10,592-square-foot store, is set to open Nov. 29 in Dobie Mall. The BookHolders on campus...

UT professor returning to Law School after SEC job

Nick Mehendale November 22, 2010

UT law professor Henry Hu will return to School of Law after heading a division of the Securities and Exchange Commission for 13 months. Hu is a graduate of Yale Law School and his writings have appeared...

LBJ Foundation grants award to civil rights leader in D.C.

Allie Kolechta November 21, 2010

The LBJ Foundation awarded the first LBJ Liberty and Justice for All awarded to Georgia Rep. John Lewis, a civil rights leader who worked with President Lyndon B. Johnson to pass major civil rights legislation...

UT employees renew term for TX sustainable growth

Emily Sides November 21, 2010

Two UT employees will serve another term as officers and board members on a five-county organization that manages sustainable growth in Texas. Fritz Steiner, the dean of the School of Architecture,...

Texas Youth Commission report recommends various measures

Nolan Hicks November 21, 2010

The Texas Youth Commission should remain an independent agency for at least another six years after implementing many of the reforms mandated by the Legislature in 2007, according to a Texas Sunset Advisory...

Study connects gender, Facebook use

Lauren Giudice November 21, 2010

In a comprehensive study of Facebook, a UT professor and graduate student identified major differences between the way people of different genders and ethnicities use the social networking site. Radio-television-film...

Show promotes Indian culture

Lauren Giudice November 21, 2010

A student organization gave the UT community a glimpse into Indian culture at “Jhalak,” an educational and entertaining event about India’s history. The show featured eight dance performances and...

Service projects unite Austinites in weekend of aid

Anna Fata November 21, 2010

Hundreds of Austinites participated in a weekend devoted to service a few days before the Thanksgiving holiday. Service Austin takes place the weekend before Thanksgiving every year, and different organizations...

Harry Potter spellbinds fans

Amy Thornton November 19, 2010

  The lines forming throughout Austin on Thursday afternoon had nothing to do with football games or music festivals. The people standing in line waved wands, shouted words like “expelliarmus”...

Legendary jazz innovator plays at Bass Concert Hall

Andrew Kreighbaum November 19, 2010

Saxophonist Ornette Coleman made his name in the late 1950s by defying traditional jazz forms and embracing collective improvisation as part of the “free jazz” movement. He didn’t...

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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin