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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan


Influential alumni to be added to business school Hall of Fame

Allie Kolechta November 9, 2010

The Red McCombs School of Business will induct three alumni into its Hall of Fame on Friday. The three inductees, John W. Carpenter III, Gary Kusin and Corbin J. Robertson Jr., were chosen...

Harry Ransom Center acquires playwright’s collection of work

Audrey White November 9, 2010

The Harry Ransom Center announced Monday that it acquired the papers of playwright Spalding Gray, a Rhode Island native known for his knack for expressing universal themes through deeply personal...

Ethernet inventor to join UT faculty as program leader

Nick Mehendale November 9, 2010

  The Cockrell School of Engineering selected Robert Metcalfe, a venture capitalist and inventor, to oversee innovation and entrepreneurship at UT. Metcalfe brings to the University a variety...

Rallies share goal of social justice

Allie Kolechta November 9, 2010

Two different protests — coincidentally scheduled on the West Mall for the same time Monday — called attention to both the military occupation of Kashmir, India, and the use of sweatshops...

Former Longhorn killed by gunshot, woman left injured

Aziza Musa November 8, 2010

Family and friends laid to rest two former UT students this weekend after a Nov. 2 incident in North Austin left them dead and one woman injured. Phu Truong and Howard Huynh met through their...

Retired UT professor, author dies

Nolan Hicks November 8, 2010

Oscar Brockett, a former UT professor who was considered one of the world’s foremost theater historians, died early Sunday morning from a stroke. He was 87. Brockett served as dean of...

Education prioritized for next legislative session

Audrey White November 8, 2010

With cuts to higher education on the horizon and textbook costs rising, college affordability is on the minds of many students, Texas student government leads said at a conference to set lobbying...

Director of science center, chemistry professor dies

Shivam Purohit November 8, 2010

Former students and colleagues of UT chemistry professor Paul Barbara remember him as a tireless researcher who still found time to connect with his classes. Barbara passed away Oct. 31 after...

Wrangling for the disabled

Emily Sides November 8, 2010

The Texas Wranglers were joined by more than 400 volunteers for the 13th annual City Wide Hold Up on Saturday where they panhandled on about 25 street corners in Austin. The event is the largest...

Education prioritized for next legislative session

Audrey White November 8, 2010

With cuts to higher education on the horizon and textbook costs rising, college affordability is on the minds of many students, Texas student government leads said at a conference to set lobbying...

University teams explore innovative technology for prizes

Shivam Purohit November 8, 2010

Eighteen university teams from nine different countries showcased their innovations in a technology competition in Austin on Saturday. The Clint W. Murchison Sr. Chair of Free Enterprise at...

Longhorns clean up Waller Creek

Lauren Giudice November 8, 2010

More than 100 students gave up sleeping in late on Saturday morning to pull aluminum cans, plastic bags and discarded clothes out of Waller Creek. The Environmental Health and Safety Office...

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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin