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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan



Wendy Davis says nice things, but plans need more substance

David Davis, Jr. October 15, 2014

Editor’s Note: While the editorial board chose not to endorse a gubernatorial candidate, we encourage students to vote in the upcoming election.  The calamity that is the Wendy Davis campaign...


Real Ebola crisis is in Africa, not in United States

Jeremi Suri October 14, 2014

For all the talk about globalization, most Americans still think in very local ways. We generally ignore distant problems that we cannot see, and then we overreact when they arrive at our shores. Overnight,...

As course registration approaches, plan ahead

Clay Olsen October 13, 2014

We are all counting down the days for the event that occurs every semester. An occasion that, on the surface, is the same for everyone, but its results could not be more different among students. Beginning...

World Mental Health Day helps bring more attention to mental illness

October 13, 2014

Editor's Note: We've chosen to publish this op-ed anonymously, at the author's request, due to the sensitive nature of its subject matter.  On Friday, I watched as hundreds of students...


ACL has lost focus on music, shifted to festivalgoers

Olivia Berkeley October 13, 2014

ACL didn’t use to be like this.  As a native Austinite, I had the privilege of attending ACL before it turned into one of the biggest musical festivals in the country. My first ACL experience...

Muslim holiday, Eid Al-Adha, highlights need for cross-religious understanding

Syed Rizvi October 13, 2014

Editor’s Note: “Peace be upon him” (abbreviated “pbuh”) is a salutation for the prophets of Islam. Who receives salutations depends on the school of thought. It is a mandatory...

This November, don’t repeat mistake of 2000

David Chincanchan October 9, 2014

You don’t need a statistic to know that Austin traffic is getting out of hand.But just in case you’ve been cooped up in the PCL for too long, let’s start with two simple facts: Austin...

Proposition 1 rail is expensive white elephant

Clay Smalley October 9, 2014

In 2000, there was a ballot proposition for a light rail line in Austin. If the measure had passed the vote, Austin would have a robust light rail system running from downtown all the way out to 183 along...


Davis’ education proposals unrealistic for Texas schools

Claire Smith October 8, 2014

State Sen. Wendy Davis, D-Fort Worth, the Democratic candidate in the upcoming gubernatorial election, first received attention when she filibustered $5.4 billion in cuts to the Texas education system...


Cultural appropriations as fashion statements offend certain groups

Jazmyn Griffin October 8, 2014

Fall music festivals and Halloween bring opportunities to dress in ways outside of the norm. The boho style is donned at almost every indie music event, while the Oct. 31 holiday allows individuals to...


Student protests in Hong Kong could determine future of democracy

Jeremi Suri October 7, 2014

The future of democracy might rest on the shoulders of courageous student protesters in Hong Kong. Thousands of young men and women on the island have taken to the streets to stall Chinese efforts at rigging...


Dan Patrick should distance himself from marriage equality issue

Breanne Deppisch October 6, 2014

Last Monday, lieutenant governor hopefuls Dan Patrick and Leticia Van de Putte battled it out in their only scheduled debate before November’s election. The two Senators, who have sat together in...

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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin