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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan


Plan II physics should be taken at earlier time

Amanda Haight September 8, 2014

Every incoming Plan II freshman has heard of the dreaded Plan II physics course usually reserved for third- or fourth-year students, and each one rejoices that they have two or more years until they have...


Despite previous beliefs, Strong has yet to make a change in Texas

Garrett Callahan September 8, 2014

Three weeks ago, many people thought Charlie Strong had changed Texas football. But Saturday’s devastating 41-7 loss against BYU proved Strong hasn’t changed much at all. Before...

NCAA Reform OBannon T_admi

Student-athlete pay should first come in form of scholarships

Eric Sundin September 8, 2014

Because of the Northwestern University football team’s recent vote on whether to unionize, momentum both for and against further financial compensation to college athletes has increased dramatically....


Internships are vital experience for students

John Daywalt September 8, 2014

At the end of each semester I usually have a friend or two who is graduating without a job lined up yet. In fact, many usually ask if I am aware of internships they may be interested in. I later find out...


Park commercialization needed for economic growth

Ali Breland September 4, 2014

Editor’s Note: Continuing our Friday point/counterpoint series, this week two Plan II students take a look at the recent plans to commercialize green spaces in central Austin. To view the opposing...


Park space should be reserved for local recreational activity

Emily Mixon September 4, 2014

Correction: An earlier version of this column misidentified Mixon as the current director of the Campus Environmental Center. She served in that capacity last year. Editor’s Note: Continuing our...

Daily Texan piece on UT in 2083 shows that work remains to be done

Olivia Berkeley September 3, 2014

Last week, I made the trek to the Briscoe Center, located next to the LBJ Presidential Library, in search of a Daily Texan article from the 1970s. I was unsuccessful in my pursuit, but I didn’t leave...


In midst of Ferguson violence, Islam teaches racial lessons

Syed Rizvi September 3, 2014

Editor’s Note: “Peace be upon him” (abbreviated “pbuh”) is a salutation for the prophets of Islam. Who receives salutations depends on the school of thought. It is a mandatory...

Perry indictment debate misses the heart of the coercive matter

Noah M. Horwitz September 3, 2014

At the risk of sounding like a cliche of the political novice, I do not find a whole lot of sense in either of the political angles presented to this paper last Friday on the topic of Gov. Rick Perry’s...


Students should use their time on campus to explore their interests

Marisa Charpentier September 3, 2014

I can’t help but agree with author William Deresiewicz when he claimed in a July article in The New Republic: “Don’t send your kid to the Ivy League.” And as we stuff our backpacks...

Liberal professors can hone conservatives’ beliefs

Clay Olsen September 3, 2014

Fellow Longhorns: You go to a liberal university. Even if you are a freshman, this probably is not news to you. And if you are a freshman and have been to a liberal arts class already, you have probably...


In midst of college experience, students shouldn’t forget about the world beyond our borders

Jeremi Suri September 2, 2014

Editor’s Note: This is the first of a weekly column on foreign policy from Suri. College is a time when students focus most of their attention on campus activities. That is perfectly appropriate....

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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin