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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan


Reconsider ChatGPT for academic use

Reconsider ChatGPT for academic use

Tisha Chaudhuri, Columnist February 16, 2023
Columnist Tisha Chaudhuri encourages students to use ChatGPT as an academic resource for their assignments and daily life.
TikTok ban contributes to larger trend of xenophobia

TikTok ban contributes to larger trend of xenophobia

Sonali Muthukrishnan, Senior Columnist February 14, 2023
Senior columnist Sonali Muthukrishnan argues that the Texas and UT TikTok ban contributes to the trend of rising xenophobia.
The Bard’s best hits for Valentine’s Day

The Bard’s best hits for Valentine’s Day

Ava Hosseini, Senior Columnist February 13, 2023
Senior columnist Ava Hosseini urges the UT community to consider Shakespeare’s takes on romance, sexuality and marriage during the Valentine’s Day season.
Help gym-goers help themselves

Help gym-goers help themselves

Faith DuFresne, Associate Editor February 13, 2023
Associate editor Faith DuFresne encourages RecSports to create an orientation session to help acquaint new students with the gym.
UT Should Provide Period Products in Student Spaces

UT Should Provide Period Products in Student Spaces

Tenley Jackson, Columnist February 12, 2023
Columnist Tenley Jackson calls for UT to prioritize free period products in student spaces.
Expand UT’s partnership with H-E-B

Expand UT’s partnership with H-E-B

Janie Bradford, Columnist February 12, 2023
Columnist Janie Bradford calls on UT to expand their partnership with H-E-B to help address the food desert in West Campus.
Why we need STEAM

Why we need STEAM

London Lack, Columnist February 8, 2023
Columnist London Lack argues that adopting STEAM would not only benefit STEM fields, but acknowledge the impact the arts already have.
It’s time to revisit the Eyes of Texas

It’s time to revisit the Eyes of Texas

Tommy Wan, Forum Editor February 7, 2023
Forum editor Tommy Wan argues that students should vote in the upcoming referendum on the continuance of the Eyes of Texas.
Leaving the STEM bubble

Leaving the STEM bubble

Anaya Emejulu, Columnist February 7, 2023
Columnist Anaya Emejulu shares the importance of studying the humanities for people majoring in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics fields.
Increase reservable hours for PCL study rooms

Increase reservable hours for PCL study rooms

Mihir Gokhale, Associate Editor February 6, 2023
Associate editor Mihir Gokhale calls on the UT library system to increase the number of weekly hours students can reserve PCL study rooms.
Cap exam weights to 50% of total course grades

Cap exam weights to 50% of total course grades

Amy DonJuan, Columnist February 6, 2023
Columnist Amy DonJuan calls for UT exams to be no more than 50% of students’ final letter grades.
UT must better support out-of-state students

UT must better support out-of-state students

Sonali Muthukrishnan, Senior Columnist February 1, 2023
Senior columnist Sonali Muthukrishnan argues that out-of-state students should receive more support in their transition to the Forty Acres through the Bevo Buddy program.
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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin