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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan


The Texas stampede

Rui Shi October 10, 2011

The Texas Advanced Computing Center at UT recently received a $27-million grant from the National Science Foundation to build a new, state-of-the-art supercomputer. The supercomputer, affectionately nicknamed...

Where have all the good women gone?

Katherine Taylor October 10, 2011

In the past two election cycles, the only women who have gotten anywhere close to being elected to the White House have been Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin. But perhaps you know the two of them better...

It’s time to put your faith in Rick Perry

Helen Hansen October 7, 2011

Gov. Rick Perry should be the Republican candidate in the 2012 presidential election. I have read plenty of anti-Perry columns attacking him for education budget cuts; I have heard the critics question...

Rick Perry: Under-qualified and uninformed

Zoya Waliany October 7, 2011

Gov. Rick Perry, once the darling of the Republican Party, has recently been dropping in his approval ratings as voters have become acquainted with his policies and rhetoric. Under-qualified and uninformed,...

Dear Longhorn fans

Editor's note: In the spirit of our friendly rivalry with the University of Oklahoma, the editorial boards of The Daily Texan and The Oklahoma Daily have exchanged editorials. In anticipation of Saturday's...

Consider alternatives to minimize traffic congestion

Larisa Manescu October 5, 2011

Austin is frequently dubbed the epitome of an environmentally friendly city. In fact, our city ranks 10th, the highest among the four Texas cities on Popular Science’s list of America’s 50...

Standardized curiosity

October 4, 2011

  JJ Hermes |  Daily Texan Guest Columnist The TAAS generation is a dying breed. Consider this: Next year’s crop of freshmen never touched a TAAS test. They would have been third graders...

Preserving the American way

Samantha Katsounas October 4, 2011

While the U.S. economy continues to sink into oblivion, a seemingly unrelated debate has been raging among political pundits and laymen alike. Texas Gov. Rick Perry has been under intense scrutiny in recent...

Transforming gender roles in higher education

Zoya Waliany October 3, 2011

Recently, School of Information professor Lecia Barker was featured in The Daily Texan for her commitment to increasing the number of women involved in computer and information technology-related careers....

UT student faces espionage charges

Samian Quazi October 3, 2011

UT graduate student Omid Kokabee is scheduled to face espionage charges Tuesday in his native Iran. Kokabee, who had been studying optics as a first-year graduate student in the UT physics department,...

Respect the classical tradition

Helen Hansen September 30, 2011

The classics department received a horrible blow last week after the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board denied the department a temporary extension to continue offering a Greek degree program, as...

Sonogram law awaits appeal

The Daily Texan Editorial Board September 30, 2011

On Thursday, the U.S. Supreme Court prohibited Texas from enforcing the new sonogram law that passed the Legislature last spring while the law is under the appeals process, according to The Texas Tribune....

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