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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan


The ‘me-firstism’ of UT athletics

Tom Palaima September 26, 2011

On the advice of a colleague, I watched the 30-second Bevo commercial online for the new Longhorn Network. Then I watched the network’s opening sequence. He added, “Even you, cynical as you...

Enact paid sick leave in Austin

Samian Quazi September 23, 2011

Seattle joined Washington D.C. and San Francisco on Sept. 12 in requiring most businesses to provide paid sick leave to employees. Sick leave is a hot political issue debated nationwide, and the blockbuster...

Keep the Internet free-flowing

Rui Shi September 22, 2011

Last week, the White House’s Office of Management and Budget took the first steps in keeping the Internet fair and open. The office finally signed what is commonly known as the net neutrality rules....

Be the many with suicide prevention

Katherine Taylor September 22, 2011

In honor of Suicide Prevention Week, the Counseling and Mental Health Center is hosting events each day this week with a common theme: to teach students how to “be that one.” That tagline caused...

Diluting the student vote

Matt Daley September 21, 2011

The U.S. Department of Justice sent Texas’ new political district maps back to the drawing board Monday. Responding to a suit filed by Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott, which sought a declaration...

Avoid immigration, Perry

Samian Quazi September 21, 2011

As the Republican presidential primary campaign season begins to generate buzz in the media, immigration has been conspicuously absent from public debates. Nevertheless, candidates such as Gov. Rick Perry...

Include students to improve degree plans

Samantha Katsounas September 20, 2011

As UT’s freshmen express relief upon finishing their first few weeks of class, they remain blissfully unaware of a startling fact regarding their new home. Unbeknownst to most freshmen, half of their...

In defense of University faculty

Larisa Manescu September 19, 2011

In his State of the University Address last week, President William Powers Jr. made a variety of remarks concerning how to not only preserve but also improve our position as a top public research university....

A victory for higher education in Texas

Samuel B. Scarpino September 16, 2011

Graduate students holding major fellowships and all postdoctoral fellows are now eligible for the University’s health benefits program, thanks to a bill passed in the Legislature last spring. These...

Remember policy, not politics

Dave Player September 15, 2011

At Monday’s CNN/Tea Party Republican debate there may have been eight candidates on the stage but all eyes, including those of his opponents, were on the man in the middle: Gov. Rick Perry. The majority...

Must everything be bigger in Texas?

Stefany Quirico September 14, 2011

Texas’ largest power company, Luminant, announced Monday that it filed suit against the Environmental Protection Agency because of a new regulation that would force the giant to shut down several...

Perry: Picture perfect in the primary

Katherine Taylor September 13, 2011

Last Wednesday night marked the first time I had ever been excited for a GOP presidential debate. No, I have not decided that the government is too big and simultaneously expanded the Department of Homeland...

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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin