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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan


Diversify fine arts minors

Diversify fine arts minors

Megan Tran April 11, 2021
Columnist Megan Tran urges UT to support students’ creative interests by expanding the minors offered in the College of Fine Arts.
Writing Flag classes must teach effective writing strategies

Writing Flag classes must teach effective writing strategies

Cole Krautkramer April 11, 2021
Columnist Cole Krautkramer encourages UT professors who teach writing flag courses to introduce an early-semester lecture focused on cultivating critical writing skills.
Give students wellness days

Give students wellness days

Susan Cardone April 11, 2021
Columnist Susan Cardone urges UT to allot a number of excused wellness days to support students’ physical and mental health.
Let students print for free

Let students print for free

Hubert Ning April 9, 2021
Columnist Hubert Ning argues that UT needs to follow examples set by peer institutions and offer its students free printing options.
Centralize COVID-19 information with campuswide informational module

Centralize COVID-19 information with campuswide informational module

Eva Strelitz-Block April 7, 2021
Columnist Eva Strelitz-Block urges UT to enhance student engagement with the Protect Texas Together website.
Limit the cost of course packets

Limit the cost of course packets

Alexandra Purchatzke April 6, 2021
Columnist Alexandra Purchatzke encourages professors to limit the cost of class course packets to reduce student stress.
Students need expanded campus shuttle operations on the weekend

Students need expanded campus shuttle operations on the weekend

Hunter Littleton April 2, 2021
Columnist Hunter Littleton urges UT and Capitol Metro to focus on expanding weekend shuttle service.
Implement a winter semester

Implement a winter semester

Cole Krautkramer April 2, 2021
Columnist Cole Krautkramer encourages the University to implement a winter semester and expand course offerings to give students greater academic flexibility.
Specific GroupMe guidelines would clarify murky waters of academic integrity

Specific GroupMe guidelines would clarify murky waters of academic integrity

Eva Strelitz-Block April 1, 2021
Columnist Eva Strelitz-Block urges professors to make explicit GroupMe guidelines for students to follow and include them in their syllabi.
Students need a break

Students need a break

Megan Tran March 30, 2021
Columnist Megan Tran argues for the implementation of a university wide policy that restricts professors from setting assignment due dates over spring break.
Big Ticket refunds shouldn’t rely on canceled games

Big Ticket refunds shouldn’t rely on canceled games

Deborah Hill March 30, 2021
Columnist Deborah Hill argues there are multiple pandemic complications to consider when discussing Big Ticket refunds.
Mental health professionals should respond to mental health 911 calls

Mental health professionals should respond to mental health 911 calls

Susan Cardone March 30, 2021
Columnist Susan Cardone calls for mental health professionals to respond to 911 calls containing a mental health element, not UTPD’s Crisis Intervention Team.
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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin