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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan



Student Government speaker presents hopes, goals for upcoming year

Benjamin Solder April 16, 2018

What types of legislation does the Student Government Assembly pass? Historically, we’ve passed pieces to convey student opinions, pieces that are more publicity-focused for ongoing SG initiatives,...


Senate president presents hopes, goals for upcoming year

David Jenkins April 16, 2018

What types of legislation does Senate pass? Senate passes legislation that specifically deals with changing the academic experience here at UT. So anything relating to courses, registration, schedules,...


Federal immigration policies are un-American

Joseph Kopser April 9, 2018

Immigration reform has become one of the most divisive issues in our country today. Never a simple topic in modern times, it has been used by President Trump to divide the American electorate, introduce...


University community must say no to Rex

Andrew Costigan April 9, 2018

The consideration of Rex Tillerson, former Secretary of State with the Trump Administration and former CEO of ExxonMobil, for chancellor of the University of Texas System should be a cause of serious concern...


Scientific funding problems have solutions

Griffin Glenn April 9, 2018

21st century science takes money – in most cases, lots of it. In the United States, a significant portion of the funding supporting basic research in the sciences is supplied by the federal government,...

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Students protest removal of Fine Arts Library stacks

Throughout the past year, the University has relocated more than 75,000 books and physical resources from the Fine Arts Library to off-campus storage sites at the JJ Pickle Research Campus and a joint...

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A library without books is not a library

Zoe Cagan April 2, 2018

This “research” University’s Fine Arts Library is being shoved aside. It is a commonly known idea that this country undervalues Fine Arts Education — from the White House that...

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Student research relies on accessible materials

Logan Larsen April 2, 2018

I learned how to read in third grade, much later than most of my peers in elementary school. As a person with Dyslexia, my path to reading wasn’t as simple as everyone else’s and it took years...


Students, lawmakers discuss the March for Our Lives

The recent shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida prompted a wave of protests advocating for school safety and stricter gun control measures. These protests, largely organized...


Why we organized the March for Our Lives in Austin

Conor Hefferman March 26, 2018

The massacre at Columbine High School occurred two months before I was born. In the 18 years since, students across our country — from first-graders at Sandy Hook to undergraduates at Virginia Tech...


Reasonable gun safety measures keep us safe

Rep. Lloyd Doggett March 26, 2018

These continuing massacres at schools, churches, entertainment venues and elsewhere must end — all students should be able to pursue an education without fearing that they could become additional...


Q&A with Selina Eshraghi, March for Our Lives organizer

Selina Eshraghi March 26, 2018

The Daily Texan: What made you decide to get involved in the March for Our Lives movement?  Selina Eshraghi: Last semester, my childhood best friend committed suicide on her college campus. She...

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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin