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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan


From the top

The Daily Texan Editorial Board November 29, 2011

 President William Powers Jr. spent a good portion of Monday’s Faculty Council meeting explaining the University’s recent decision to move certain funding decisions from the Graduate School...

Quotes to note: Tuition increases and the A&M rivalry

The Daily Texan Editorial Board November 28, 2011

Tuition increases on the horizon After deliberating for less than two months, the Tuition Policy Advisory Committee submitted its recommendation today to President William Powers Jr. The committee proposes...

The entrepreneurial vision

The Daily Texan Editorial Board November 23, 2011

Given the current state of higher education, university administrators around the country are working to champion timeless buzzwords such as “creativity,” “innovation” and “entrepreneurship”...

Higher education’s ruffled feathers

The Daily Texan Editorial Board November 22, 2011

“Ruffled feathers are good — they make us all better.” These were ending words of sorts, delivered by Rep. Lois Kolkhorst, R-Brenham, at Friday’s hearing held by the Joint Oversight...

A more decent proposal

The Daily Texan Editorial Board November 22, 2011

A panel of federal judges released a new set of maps for state legislative districts Thursday. The process of re-drawing these maps, known as redistricting, happens every 10 years to account for population...

Quotes to note: Addressing higher education governance

November 21, 2011

The Joint Oversight Committee on Higher Education Governance, Excellence and Transparency held its last hearing on higher education governance Friday. The following quotes are from the hearing.   “In...

A subtle nod of approval

The Daily Texan Editorial Board November 17, 2011

Members of the Tuition Policy Advisory Committee indicated Wednesday in their second open forum of the semester that they are considering recommending a 2.6-percent tuition increase for resident undergraduate...

‘In the interest of transparency’

The Daily Texan Editorial Board November 16, 2011

Following the UT System’s announcement of a unique $10-million investment in MyEdu, members of the UT community have questioned the transparency surrounding the deal. The purpose of the investment...

The sound of Musick

The Daily Texan Editorial Board November 15, 2011

The University released a second productivity report Friday, continuing its battle of numbers against critics of public higher education. Authored again by Marc Musick, sociology professor and associate...

Quotes to note: UT productivity report and MyEdu

The Daily Texan Editorial Board November 14, 2011

Report reaffirms faculty productivity Marc Musick, associate dean for student affairs, released another report last week analyzing the productivity of UT faculty. The report comes amid controversy surrounding...

Rioting distorts sentiment

The Daily Texan Editorial Board November 11, 2011

Late Wednesday night, the Penn State University Board of Trustees announced its rejection of legendary head coach Joe Paterno’s offer to resign at the end of the season and fired him and the university...

Setting the system standard

The Daily Texan Editorial Board November 10, 2011

Earlier this week, UT-Arlington President Jim Spaniolo recommended to the university’s tuition review committee a tuition freeze for the 2012-13 school year. The freeze would be UT-Arlington’s...

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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin