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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

All content by Alyssa Mahoney

Austin breweries look forward to expansions, further legislation

Alyssa Mahoney April 25, 2014

Some local breweries are planning to make major renovations to take advantage of a recent change in the city code that allows Austin breweries to sell beer for on-site consumption. Austin City Council...

Project Connect team expands analysis of transportation mode options

Alyssa Mahoney April 14, 2014

In six weeks, the Austin City Council will vote on a public rapid transit system plan to integrate with the existing transportation infrastructure in Austin and central Texas, but, first, the Project Connect...


Civil rights icons recall experiences on the front lines

Alyssa Mahoney April 10, 2014

On May 4, 1961, a few months before President Barack Obama was born, John Lewis and the rest of Freedom Riders were prepared to die as they rode public buses through the deep South to protest segregation. “Some...


LBJ and MLK were friendly during 1960s civil rights legislation

Alyssa Mahoney April 9, 2014

Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and former President Lyndon B. Johnson had an amicable relationship, even as King and others pressured Johnson to introduce new civil rights legislation, according to Andrew...


Jimmy Carter discusses racial and women’s rights issues at Civil Rights Summit

Alyssa Mahoney April 9, 2014

Former President Jimmy Carter said there are still racial and women’s rights issues the United States still needs to address in a conversation at the Civil Rights Summit on Tuesday. In the conversation,...

City Councilman Mike Martinez enters campaign for Austin mayor

Alyssa Mahoney April 8, 2014

City Councilman Mike Martinez launched his campaign for Austin mayor Saturday. The news comes after Councilwoman Laura Morrison announced she would not run for mayor on March 18. Martinez, who...

Dallas Fed report suggests Texas creates many jobs at all pay levels

Alyssa Mahoney April 4, 2014

Although Texas’ job growth continues to outpace the rest of the U.S. at all pay levels, a highly educated workforce is essential for Texas to continue making significant economic gains, according...


Following “stealth dorms” ordinance, affordability issues remain

Alyssa Mahoney March 31, 2014

As the “stealth dorms” ordinance goes into effect Monday, potentially decreasing housing density in some areas, city council members consider ways to address affordability issues in Austin. The...


College Republicans state convention highlights changes to campaign strategies

Alyssa Mahoney March 31, 2014

In an effort to win over younger voters, several Republican candidates vying for statewide offices spoke at the State College Republican Convention on Saturday. Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, George P. Bush,...

For Mayor Pro Tem Sheryl Cole, education is a familiar issue

Alyssa Mahoney March 28, 2014

Mayor Pro Tem Sheryl Cole has spearheaded numerous projects since she was first elected to Austin City Council, but she said the moment that had the most impact on her political career came when she was...

Texas’ Equal Pay Act may only affect small portion of women

Alyssa Mahoney March 28, 2014

Gubernatorial candidates state Sen. Wendy Davis, D-Fort Worth, and Republican Attorney General Greg Abbott and their student supporters have settled on equal pay and wage discrimination as the next key...


Original artists may take pay cut to restore vandalized murals

Alyssa Mahoney March 25, 2014

The artists of two murals that were vandalized in January will be restoring their original works over a period of 10 weeks but may not be paid for their time. The University Co-op asked original...


City council makes final decision to reduce house and duplex occupancy limits

Alyssa Mahoney March 21, 2014

Austin City Council gave final approval to a city code amendment reducing the number of unrelated adults who can live together in a single-family dwelling from six to four, in a 6-1 vote on Thursday. Without...

As council considers ‘stealth dorms’ vote, economic study comes back inconclusive

Alyssa Mahoney March 19, 2014

Austin City Council may choose to vote on banning so-called “stealth dorms” at its meeting Thursday, even though a study assessing the impact of the ban on housing affordability concluded that...

Students become more involved in proposed city code against stealth dorms

Alyssa Mahoney March 18, 2014

Student Government members are trying to increase student action against a city code change, proposed in November, which may further limit the number of students who can legally live together in a house. If...


Austin transportation and businesses respond to surge of visitors

Alyssa Mahoney March 17, 2014

As South By Southwest 2014 comes to a close, business managers and Austin transportation officials expect data to reveal record numbers of visitors and passengers. The AT&T Executive Education...


University and city officials put construction spotlights on Waller Creek

Alyssa Mahoney March 7, 2014

Just as surveyor and Austin mayor Edwin Waller considered Waller Creek a beautiful resource in his original 1838 plan for the city, recent University and city master plans are beginning to feature the...


City will research possibility of Austin MLS soccer team

Alyssa Mahoney March 7, 2014

Austin may get its first professional sports team by 2020, as the City Council began discussing a possible Major League Soccer team Thursday. Mayor pro tem Sheryl Cole sponsored a resolution, which...


Wendy Davis promises to not raise taxes and to fund education with a budget surplus

Alyssa Mahoney March 7, 2014

Democratic gubernatorial nominee and state Sen. Wendy Davis, D-Forth Worth, said she wouldn’t raise taxes to fund programs such as education in a discussion hosted by the Texas Tribune on Thursday. Davis...


Dan Patrick, David Dewhurst to face off in run-off election in Republican lieutenant governor primary

HOUSTON — After a close and hard-fought primary election, state Sen. Dan Patrick, R-Houston, took a lead over incumbent David Dewhurst in the race for the Republican candidate for lieutenant...

Texas primary elections will decide Republican lieutenant governor candidate

Alyssa Mahoney March 4, 2014

Tuesday night, the four-way race for the Republican lieutenant governor campaign will be decided and Republican Attorney General Greg Abbott and state Sen. Wendy Davis, D-Fort Worth, will presumably become...


SG to focus efforts on “stealth dorm” issue

Alyssa Mahoney March 4, 2014

Although there has not been much student involvement in the “stealth dorm” issue, Student Government plans to develop resolution regarding the issue, according to incoming SG President Kori...

Students uninformed about judicial candidates

Alyssa Mahoney February 28, 2014

As early voting continues and primary elections are underway, judicial candidates receive relatively little attention compared to other candidates, such as those running for governor, according to a judicial...

Study suggests Teach for America supports charter school policies and education privatization

Alyssa Mahoney February 27, 2014

Although Teach for America, known as TFA, does not maintain an official position on charter schools, a recent study suggests the organization has significant ties to groups lobbying for charter school...


Updated: Perry and Abbott file notice of appeal in same-sex marriage case

Alyssa Mahoney February 26, 2014

Updated (Thursday 4:12 p.m.): One day after U.S. District Judge Orlando Garcia ruled Texas' ban on same-sex marriage unconstitutional, the state of Texas filed a notice of appeal in federal court...


University’s water conservation efforts expand to dorms

Alyssa Mahoney February 26, 2014

As drought conditions continue to worsen, the University is in the process of expanding its water conservation efforts by targeting dorm residents’ water usage. Markus Hogue, UT’s irrigation...

New polling numbers show comfortable lead for Abbott, other Republican candidates

Alyssa Mahoney February 25, 2014

According to polling released Monday, Republican attorney general Greg Abbott has an 11-point lead over likely Democratic opponent state Sen. Wendy Davis, D-Fort Worth in a race for the governorship. The...


Project Connect narrows down modes of transportation being considered

Alyssa Mahoney February 24, 2014

The project to create a public transportation system aimed at reducing traffic congestion has narrowed the modes of transportation being considered in Austin from 14 to two — bus rapid transit and...

Dell Medical School construction will result in semester-long road closures

Alyssa Mahoney February 21, 2014

In an effort to complete the construction of the Dell Medical School on time for the school’s first class of medical students in July 2016, UT officials said the University will complete multiple...


Artists and University Co-op crowdsource to restore 40-year-old mural defaced by graffiti

Alyssa Mahoney February 19, 2014

After public outcry over the defacement of two murals near 23rd Street and Guadalupe, the original artists, the University Co-op and Austin officials have removed the majority of the graffiti and are crowdsourcing...


Austin City Council approves shortened period of study on “stealth dorm” ban impact

Amanda Voeller and Alyssa Mahoney February 15, 2014

At approximately 2:30 a.m. Friday, Austin City Council took an initial vote to limit the number of adults who are not related to each other allowed to live in a residence built on single-family zoned property. In...


Experts disagree about effects of gentrification on long-time residents

Alyssa Mahoney February 14, 2014

As affordable housing continues to be an issue for University students and the city considers banning “stealth dorms,” which would further limit available housing options, a recent study conducted...


City uses environmentally friendly dolomite on icy roads

Alyssa Mahoney February 13, 2014

Buried in the heart of the city, surrounded by warehouses, dead-end streets and U.S. Route 183, lies a collection of materials that, together, make up Austin’s emergency preparedness plan. The...


Local comedy gem Esther’s Follies stands up for Sixth Street

Alyssa Mahoney February 7, 2014

Sixth Street comedy show Esther’s Follies changes week to week to keep up with current events, but the show’s owners said they are opposed to certain larger changes, including planned renovations...

Elimination of algebra II requirement could hurt high school students’ college readiness

Alyssa Mahoney February 7, 2014

The Texas State Board of Education’s vote to eliminate algebra II as a public high school graduation requirement will decrease the student body’s diversity and college readiness, according...

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City bike share program may compete with University’s program

Alyssa Mahoney January 30, 2014

Austin will add three new bike kiosks near campus to its bike sharing program, but the additions may conflict with an existing student-run bike-rental program. B-cycle manages the Bike Share of Austin,...

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UT professors weigh in on President Barack Obama’s State of the Union Address

Alyssa Mahoney January 29, 2014

President Barack Obama promised to work to increase equality with or without congressional help in his State of the Union address Tuesday night. Obama said he plans to increase students’ access...

Cold weather may affect House District 50 on outcome

Alyssa Mahoney January 28, 2014

Cold weather may decrease voter turnout for the House District 50 runoff election between Democrat Celia Israel and Republican Mike VanDeWalle on Tuesday. After state Rep. Mark Strama, D-Austin,...

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Volunteers face cold weather to count homeless for annual survey

Alyssa Mahoney January 27, 2014

As unusually cold weather hit Austin this weekend and forced the University and most city offices to close down, volunteers drove throughout Austin to find and count homeless people for an annual...


Wendy Davis’ educational proposal aims to increase supply of Texas school teachers, counselors

Alyssa Mahoney January 27, 2014

A little more than a week after gubernatorial hopeful and state Sen. Wendy Davis, D-Fort Worth, released part of her educational platform aimed toward increasing the number of teachers and counselors in...

Students lack information about recycling services

Alyssa Mahoney January 24, 2014

Although the City of Austin continues to implement an ordinance aimed at increasing recycling, students remain uninformed about recycling services available to them. According to Aiden Cohen, City of...


Waller Creek projects will revitalize downtown ecology and economic development

Alyssa Mahoney January 23, 2014

For years, business owners avoided building in some parts of downtown — the chance the area would flood made the decision too economically risky. If the City of Austin’s Waller Creek Tunnel...


Capital Metro introduces fare changes and MetroRapid

Alyssa Mahoney January 21, 2014

To increase public transit and reduce Austin congestion, Capital Metro will launch MetroRapid, a bus line which will include more direct routes, fewer stops and the use of transit-priority lanes, on Sunday. The...


Many bar owners continue to oppose proposed Sixth Street renovation design

Alyssa Mahoney January 16, 2014

At city meetings open to the public, citizens and stakeholders raised concerns about the city’s plan to renovate Sixth Street. Carl Daywood, bar owner and Sixth Street Association board member, said...


Graffiti vandals deface historic mural on Guadalupe

Alyssa Mahoney January 15, 2014

Following a series of graffiti taggings in recent months, businesses, street artists and Austin police are discussing ways to restore a 40-year-old mural that was defaced last week. Graffiti was first...


Austin brings temporary public art to city parks

Alyssa Mahoney January 15, 2014

As part of a city project meant to highlight artists’ work and enhance Austinites’ visits to public parks, several artists are installing temporary art pieces to display in public parks in...

Project Connect begins design and funding phase of high-capacity transit system

Alyssa Mahoney January 14, 2014

This month, Project Connect — a coordinated effort between the City of Austin, Capital Metro and Lone Star Rail — will begin mapping out routes and pursuing funding for a high-capacity transit...


Google Glass to hold event in Austin to win over public

Alyssa Mahoney December 14, 2013

Google Glass — Google’s wearable computer — will be available for the public to try in Austin on Saturday and Sunday. Users can make calls, take pictures or video, get directions or...


Study shows Austin homeless population declining

Alyssa Mahoney December 6, 2013

A recent report found that the homeless population in Texas, including in the Austin area, has declined in recent years. Although these general populations have been decreasing, the University does not...

Sixth Street renovation designs face opposition

Alyssa Mahoney December 4, 2013

As Austin City Council continues to plan renovations to Sixth Street, some local bar and business owners claim extensive construction will cause disruption, decrease traffic flow and dismantle the street’s...


Tips and resources help students stay healthy during the holidays

Alyssa Mahoney November 27, 2013

Although the holiday season may present challenges to staying healthy, students can avoid common holiday pitfalls with a few tips and University health resources. Nutritional sciences professor Stephen...

Millions reflect on 50th anniversary of Kennedy’s assassination

Alyssa Mahoney November 22, 2013

Nov. 22 marks the 50th anniversary of President John F. Kennedy’s assassination, which served to solidify him as an icon in American history and to protect him from the criticisms that other presidents...

Harry Ransom Center digital archives allows study of popular entertainment

Alyssa Mahoney November 13, 2013

The Harry Ransom Center unveiled its new digital collections earlier this week, putting digitized versions of 14 collections online. The collections were spearheaded by digital collections librarian...


Engineering team to compete in government robotics competition

Alyssa Mahoney November 9, 2013

A UT engineering research team is developing a robot to compete in a government-sponsored robotics competition that will test the robot’s ability to perform tasks in emergency situations. The...


Temporary public art program will involve outlying areas of Austin

Alyssa Mahoney November 6, 2013

November marks the beginning of the Temporary Public Art program, a new initiative which will make public art accessible in Austin’s outlying communities. The program is part of the city’s...


Robotics lab makes strides toward more human-friendly robots

Alyssa Mahoney November 1, 2013

In their research to develop robots that can safely and more seamlessly interact with humans, mechanical engineering researchers may have also created a movie star. Dreamer, a humanoid — or human-like...


Key witnesses to Kennedy assassination recall events 50 years later

Alyssa Mahoney October 30, 2013

Several figures who either witnessed or were involved in planning President John F. Kennedy’s Dallas tour in 1963 dismissed several Kennedy assassination conspiracy theories on campus Tuesday. The...


President and CEO of Ebay John Donahoe gives lecture

Alyssa Mahoney October 25, 2013

John Donahoe, president and CEO of Ebay since 2008, talked with students about the critical reception he received when he first joined Ebay and how it taught him the importance of staying true to personal...


Researchers use 3-D technology to study bacteria and antibiotic resistance

Alyssa Mahoney October 11, 2013

UT analytical chemists, microbiologists and engineers are collaborating to use 3-D printing technology to create protein houses for bacteria. Researchers use this method to better determine how different...

Chemists and microbiologists use 3-D modeling to study the mechanisms of bacterial infection

Alyssa Mahoney October 10, 2013

UT analytical chemists, microbiologists and engineers are collaborating to use 3-D printing technology to create protein houses for bacteria. Researchers use this method to better determine how different...


Institute for Inclusive Security senior adviser lectures on women’s critical role in peacemaking

Alyssa Mahoney October 9, 2013

Deborah Cavin, former diplomat and senior advisor at a peacemaking nonprofit organization, lectured on the importance of including women in diplomacy and foreign affairs Tuesday.  Diplomat in-residence...

Graduate Student Assembly resolution aims to reverse Capital Metro route cuts

Alyssa Mahoney October 8, 2013

In reaction to the elimination of the Cameron Road and Wickersham Lane UT shuttle bus routes, the Graduate Students Assembly unanimously passed a resolution aimed at reversing these changes and preventing...


Austin City Council will require large residential buildings to offer recycling services

Alyssa Mahoney October 4, 2013

The next phase of a recycling ordinance passed by the Austin City Council will require more businesses and multi-family dwellings to offer recycling services. The Universal Recycling Ordinance, which...


Sixth Street to undergo major construction

Alyssa Mahoney October 2, 2013

In the next two years, Sixth Street may undergo major construction that will change pedestrian and vehicle traffic and expand the variety of businesses in the area. At the Sixth Street stakeholder...

Biomedical engineering professor receives grant to model heart mitral valves

Alyssa Mahoney September 27, 2013

A University professor received a $6.6 million research grant awarded from the National Institutes of Health to research functioning and nonfunctioning heart mitral valves, which could help prevent some...

UT releases enrollment, retention and graduation rates report

Alyssa Mahoney September 18, 2013

Despite recent initiatives to increase four-year graduation rates, the preliminary Fall 2013 Enrollment Analysis released Monday shows there has been little to no change in the statistic. In May of...


UT professor says Shakespeare responsible for additional passages in “The Spanish Tragedy”

Alyssa Mahoney September 4, 2013

The words of William Shakespeare might be in more places than you think.  This month, English professor Douglas Bruster wrote “Shakespearean Spellings and Handwriting in the Additional Passages...


Waller Creek to be more accessible upon completion of underground tunnel

Alyssa Mahoney September 3, 2013

Waller Creek may soon become a more accessible and central part of campus if construction of an underground tunnel is completed on schedule. Waller Creek begins north of UT’s campus and flows...

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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin