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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

All content by Brett Donohoe

Managing editor teaches love of Russia, grammar

Brett Donohoe August 3, 2015

Whenever people ask me why I work at the Texan, I always respond that it’s the only place where it’s socially acceptable for me to talk about a comma for 30 minutes. While it may not actually...


Named plaintiff in Supreme Court same-sex marriage case speaks on Capitol steps

Brett Donohoe June 29, 2015

Speaking to a crowd of around 50 people, the named plaintiff in the Supreme Court case on same-sex marriage held a press conference calling for continued action in the fight for equality. On Friday,...


Senate approves open carry bill

Brett Donohoe May 23, 2015

The Texas Senate on Friday approved a bill allowing the open carry of firearms by licensed owners. Although the House approved its version of the legislation last month, the bill still needs to go to...

Fashion trends in 1963 reveal wide dichotomy

Brett Donohoe April 24, 2014

With Austin Fashion Week beginning Thursday, the city will be brimming with innovative new clothes, and, with the introduction of new looks, the dress of the past seems even more antiquated. Today,...

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Throwback Thursday: Satirical edition of the Texan from 1982 publishes ‘Fetishes of the deans’

Brett Donohoe April 3, 2014

With April Fools’ Day passing Tuesday, the slew of practical jokes has seemingly ceased, but The Daily Texan once published a much more permanent jest to commemorate the day.  In 1982, The...


Throwback Thursday: Student drinking can be treated as a tribal ritual

Brett Donohoe February 27, 2014

While excessive alcohol consumption has always been an issue on college campuses, one would seldom compare the practice to tribal behavior; however, an article from the Oct. 19, 1988, edition of The Daily...


Throwback Thursday: The story of ‘Our Three Russians’ reveals cultural disparities

Brett Donohoe January 30, 2014

With the upcoming Winter Olympic Games in Sochi, Russia, it is easy to forget how inaccessible Russian culture and society once was to the U.S. — and to UT students. In a Nov. 30, 1912, article...

Throwback: Attitudes toward dead days have not changed much in the past 40 years

Brett Donohoe December 5, 2013

Students will have Monday and Tuesday of this coming week completely free of classes to prepare for finals, affectionately called “dead days.” But the University once dedicated a whole week...

Throwback Thursday: UT continues 100-year tradition of daily news coverage despite uncertain future

Brett Donohoe October 10, 2013

While many people may take the presence of a daily paper as a given, UT students 100 years ago were not so lucky. Back in 1914, a new paper hit the stands of UT titled The Daily Texan.  The UT...

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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin