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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

All content by Brooke Vincent

Semester in Review: looking back, looking forward

CRIME: Looking forward Meechaiel Criner’s trial is set to begin July 9. Criner was indicted by a grand jury for capital murder in connection with the 2016 death of dance freshman Haruka Weiser. Looking...

The honest truth: Academic dishonesty reports rise during finals

Brooke Vincent May 4, 2018

As stress mounts during finals week, so do the reports for academic dishonesty as students become desperate to make the grade. Usually, in universities, there is a rise in academic violation reports...

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How UT keeps the lights on

Brooke Vincent April 19, 2018

Through all of the expansion and construction, UT still uses the same amount of natural gas as it did in 1976 when there were nine million less square feet on campus than there are today.   UT powers...


Students B-cycling for Earth Month

Brooke Vincent April 12, 2018

In 45 days, students have generated enough miles on B-cycle bikes to travel around the world almost five times. Now, the University is upping the ante for Earth Month. Through the month of April, Parking...


Fifth floor forever more: Fine Arts administration recommends fifth floor collection stays put

Brooke Vincent April 5, 2018

The books and resources on the fifth floor of the Fine Arts Library have been the focus of the continuing press for space on campus, but now administration is backing faculty and student requests by asking...


Charles Fraser joins Dell Medical School to work on the hearts of Texas

Brooke Vincent March 28, 2018

With more than 10,000 heart surgeries and a 25-year career treating congenital heart disease under his belt, Charles Fraser will bring his expertise to Dell Medical School when he returns to his alma mater...

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Faculty, students: Relocation of Fine Arts Library resources doesn’t stack up

Brooke Vincent March 20, 2018

A typical meeting for the Faculty Council on Monday became a two-hour forum about the concerns of faculty and students surrounding the relocation of 150,000 resource materials from the Fine Arts Library...


UT System regents approve Dell Medical School to enter negotiations for more space

Brooke Vincent March 9, 2018

Almost four years after construction began, the Dell Medical School has just been approved to expand its space for students and research. The UT Board of Regents unanimously approved Dell Medical School...


Freshmen team competes for its wings to Europe with Red Bull challenge

Brooke Vincent March 1, 2018

UT team “The Tryhards” were picked as finalists in the Red Bull “Can You Make it?” challenge, where more than 200 teams of college students will race across Europe in a week with...


UT buys building designed by alum John Chase, the first African-American architect student enrolled at UT

Brooke Vincent February 22, 2018

John Chase, the first African-American architecture student to enroll at UT, will be immortalized by the University with his first commercially designed buildings serving as the new home of the Community Engagement...


Student Activity Center gets decked out with new exterior renovations

Brooke Vincent February 20, 2018

Students can rock around an outdoor fireplace and swing in hammocks under the trees this coming fall semester at the Student Activity Center. The exterior space on the south side of the building is...


UT students get new sets of wheels with the B-cycle pilot program

Brooke Vincent February 15, 2018

The City of Austin’s bicycle share system, Austin B-cycle, is helping students get on and off campus with its new, free UT student membership. In conjunction with the City of Austin and UT, Austin...


‘It was disgusting:’ Butler School aging ungracefully as ceiling tiles come crumbling down

Brooke Vincent February 9, 2018

Early Saturday morning, music studies sophomore Pablo Estrada walked into the recital hall of the Butler School of Music to find a pile of broken fiberglass ceiling tiles had fallen near the elevators....

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‘Hijabi Monologues’ strives to help people see the Muslim women wearing the scarves

Brooke Vincent February 6, 2018

Wearing a hijab is only part of Imani Sebri’s identity. She said she has crushes and gets stressed about class, but is often reduced to the scarf she wears, not the woman she is — an issue...


New meditative space near Blanton Museum of Art to open this month

Brooke Vincent February 2, 2018

An array of colorful stained glass from Munich, Germany, a redwood totem sourced from northern California and marble flown in from Greece and Italy will all come together in “Austin,” the only...


Foundry provides students tools to 3-D print six-string violin

Brooke Vincent January 31, 2018

The rush of sound from the composition “Dharma at Big Sur” is, for violinist Sean Riley, like the coastal waves it was inspired by. The music performance graduate student was determined to...


Law professor argues in Supreme Court

Brooke Vincent January 24, 2018

On a routine call with CNN as a Supreme Court analyst, Stephen Vladeck heard from the newsroom that his petition to present a case before the Supreme Court had been accepted; a decision only made for one...


Student adjusts to life with cochlear implant

Brooke Vincent January 16, 2018

After three years of suffering from hearing loss, aerospace engineering senior Amy Quartaro noticed a low thrumming in her ear after a cochlear implant surgery. What she thought was a malfunction of the...


Students travel to LA to study firsthand the effects of gentrification

Brooke Vincent December 6, 2017

This spring semester, 11 students will travel to Los Angeles to study the reality of gentrification for those who have called the City of Angels their home for decades. The African and African Diaspora...


‘Ali: Fear Eats the Soul’ screening provides perspective on migration

Brooke Vincent November 29, 2017

Arabic melody and the twang of a sitar filled the room as the lights dimmed for a screening of “Ali: Fear Eats the Soul,” part of the Faces of Migration film series.  The Department...

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Students raise money to build sanitation station in Thailand

Brooke Vincent November 17, 2017

Seven UT students will travel across the world in May to the village of Don Kang, Thailand, to build a sanitation station for an elementary school. The sanitation station will consist of plumbing and...


$2 million LED display installed in Frank Erwin Center

Brooke Vincent November 8, 2017

Just in time for the basketball season openers, a new $2 million center-hung video system was installed last Wednesday in the Frank Erwin Center. The 3,500-square-foot LED display is part of a larger...

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IBM gives students hands-on design experience

Brooke Vincent November 3, 2017

International Business Machines recruits more graduates from UT than any other college in the world, and they are continuing to strengthen that relationship through a design thinking class offered for...


Chemistry lecturer’s science demonstrations blow up

Brooke Vincent November 1, 2017

From breathing fire to setting a balloon alight, chemistry lecturer Kate Biberdorf’s explosive demonstrations — and herself — have recently been featured by news media and other programs. CNN,...

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Fine arts professor creates series as resource on music, social justice

Brooke Vincent October 27, 2017

Fine arts professor Andrew Dell’Antonio started a new publications series, “Music and Social Justice,” last week as a resource for those interested in the way music impacts and changes...

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Engineering professor’s algorithm may make brain surgery easier

Brooke Vincent October 20, 2017

In an effort to transform brain surgery, engineering professor George Biros and his team will begin clinical testing early next year on their algorithm designed for in-depth analysis of tumors.  Currently,...

Studio art professor inspires set design of international dance performance

Brooke Vincent October 18, 2017

The hundreds of scissors featured in studio art professor Beili Liu’s art installation, “Mending Project,” inspired the set design for an ongoing worldwide dance performance. The concept...

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Egyptian government holds UT alumni in solitary confinement for 100 days

Brooke Vincent October 13, 2017

UT alumni Ola al-Qaradawi and Hosam Khalaf passed the 100-day mark of living in solitary confinement Monday after being detained by the Egyptian government. Without any official charges brought against...


Evan Smith discusses fake news

Brooke Vincent October 5, 2017

President Donald Trump is consciously attempting to diminish the public’s faith in the media by calling real journalism fake news, said Evan Smith, CEO and co-founder of the Texas Tribune, during...

Harvey campus-wide drive ends Sept. 29

Brooke Vincent September 28, 2017

The Help for Harvey drive is making a final push for donations before the Sept. 29 end of the crusade to assist Hurricane Harvey victims. In partnership with Central Texas Food Bank, the drive is a...


Gender gap prevalent in US attorney nominations by Trump

Brooke Vincent September 19, 2017

President Donald Trump has chosen only one woman to fill one of the 42 nominated U.S. attorney positions, illustrating a large gender equality gap at the highest level of the justice system. The UT School...

Welch Foundation awards $500,000 to engineering professor

Brooke Vincent September 14, 2017

Mechanical engineering professor John Goodenough will receive the $500,000 Welch Award in October for his pioneering research in lithium-ion rechargeable batteries that changed how the world uses portable...

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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin