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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

All content by Chuck Matula

Texas legislators are putting politics above state budget needs

Chuck Matula April 9, 2015

Every legislative session in Texas, taxes are a pretty big deal. A legislator’s position on how the state spends and collects money can have huge implications for their future as an elected official,...


Texas legislators must put aside political promises to fix pension system

Chuck Matula March 12, 2015

Imagine a state where the pension system is in a desperate state of disrepair. Decades of underfunding by the legislature and “kick-the-can” politics have pushed the funds to the...


Texas Legislature should reform auto and payday loan industries

Chuck Matula February 9, 2015

If you’ve watched daytime basic cable, you’ve probably seen their commercials. With bright colors and gimmicky sound effects, they’re hard to miss, offering you “$2,000, $3,000,...

Falling oil prices could affect future college tuition rates

Chuck Matula January 26, 2015

Oil is in a slump and, on its face, that’s a good thing for you and me. Low gas prices mean embracing the fuel extravagances of yesteryear, like leaving your car idling in the parking all night so...

UT fragrances demonstrate globally-minded marketing strategy

Chuck Matula April 24, 2014

“I bleed burnt orange” is a cliche largely understood to be a metaphor, but thanks to a company specializing in college-themed fragrances, it just became a little easier to try to achieve oneness...

Students should question the risk, terms of dangerous private loans

Chuck Matula March 20, 2014

College is an exceptional time in our lives when we can partake in activities that society otherwise frowns upon, such as drinking Keystone beer and playing hacky sack in public. One potentially ruinous...


In light of the University of Mississippi statue incident, UT’s own Confederate statues bear reexamining

Chuck Matula February 28, 2014

Earlier this month, the desecration of a statue of civil rights icon James Meredith shocked the country and pushed back into the spotlight the issue of race at the University of Mississippi. In the ensuing...


A modest proposal in defense of creationism

Chuck Matula February 11, 2014

At the Texas Republican Lieutenant Governor Primary debate Feb. 2, four candidates stood against the backdrop of a colossal Texas flag and bandied about phrases like “true conservative,” while...

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What Texas can learn from Detroit bankruptcy

Chuck Matula January 28, 2014

There are few stereotypes more publicly villainized than the lazy, unambitious government employee. That’s why a decision by a judge in Detroit to allow the city’s creditors to seize pension...


UT’s Turtle Pond needs an official caretaker

Chuck Matula December 4, 2013

“And the turtles, of course … all the turtles are free, as turtles and, maybe, all creatures should be,” read the closing lines of Dr. Seuss’s children’s book, “Yertle...


Health care needs of young people should be taken more seriously in ads

Chuck Matula November 21, 2013

Obamacare has been a controversial policy since its inception in 2009, but now, one particular advertisement for Colorado’s state health exchange has been drawing scrutiny. The ad features a young...

Traditional news sources should emulate the Buzzfeed model to stay relevant

Chuck Matula November 7, 2013

If your Facebook news feed is anything like mine, between drunk Halloween pictures and aggressively under-informed political screeds, short lists seem to dominate most of the space. From fledgling viral...

Vote yes to the Affordable Housing Bond

Chuck Matula November 5, 2013

Municipal bonds are not typically regarded by taxpayers as an exciting or note-worthy issue. But the Travis County Taxpayer’s Union has made very public its feelings about a proposed affordable housing...

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Gov. Perry’s Texas Enterprise Fund might create Texas jobs, but is it fair?

Chuck Matula October 8, 2013

As evidenced by the unofficial city slogan, “Keep Austin Weird,” Austin prides itself on its independent businesses. But since that phrase was trademarked in 2003, eight of Austin’s 10...

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UT beats ‘Bama on diversity

Chuck Matula September 25, 2013

The University of Texas at Austin and the University of Alabama are two very different campuses. The football teams have had varying degrees of success in recent years, both schools have distinct takes...


Everything you ever needed to know about West Campus housing management

Chuck Matula September 3, 2013

“Hate” is a strong word. I try to reserve it for musical collaborations between Flo Rida and Pitbull. However, many people in West Campus would feel comfortable saying that they hate their...

With lethal injection drugs unavailable, Texas should reconsider the death penalty

Chuck Matula August 29, 2013

Watch 15 minutes of any Texas House proceeding from the past two months, and you’ll notice that our representatives can’t seem to agree on much. However, according to a 2012 poll conducted...

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Chuck Matula