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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Because of weather conditions, delivery of Tuesday’s printed edition of The Daily Texan may be delayed in some areas.
Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Because of weather conditions, delivery of Tuesday’s printed edition of The Daily Texan may be delayed in some areas.
Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Because of weather conditions, delivery of Tuesday’s printed edition of The Daily Texan may be delayed in some areas.
All content by Douglas Luippold

Protecting democratic values

Douglas Luippold February 29, 2012

While I agree with John Woods’ contention in his firing line Tuesday that the Election Supervisory Board’s disqualification of two major presidential candidates is unfortunate for the UT student...

An insult to vigilantism

Douglas Luippold October 27, 2011

Just to be clear, doesn’t the application mentioned in Samian Quazi’s column that ran in The Daily Texan on Wednesday simply make it easier to report illegal parking to law enforcement officials...

I’m being paid for this?

Douglas Luippold May 6, 2011

As a graduating senior and Daily Texan associate editor, I’m given the unenviable task of composing a farewell column in which I’m expected to simultaneously reflect on my time at UT —...

Fates, interests intertwined

Douglas Luippold May 5, 2011

In the latest and perhaps the most surprising rebuke of attempts to reform Texas higher education, 22 prominent Texas A&M alumni formed the “Alliance for Texas A&M University” to...

Applauding Powers

Douglas Luippold April 28, 2011

When we met with UT President William Powers Jr. last fall, he stressed that his focus in the upcoming legislative session would be “budget cuts, budget cuts, budget cuts.” We never imagined...

Malicious intent

Douglas Luippold March 30, 2011

In recent weeks, we have seen the use of open records requests for malicious and political purposes. When used correctly, such requests can provide the public with a much-needed tool to scrutinize government...

Cultivate a safer campus

Douglas Luippold March 23, 2011

The state Senate Committee on Criminal Justice on Tuesday heard testimony from supporters and opponents of SB 354, a bill which would allow concealed handgun license holders to carry concealed handguns...

Say ‘no’ to abstinence-only

Douglas Luippold March 9, 2011

On Tuesday, the Texas Freedom Network helped organize a lobby day to support legislation by Rep. Joaquin Castro, D- San Antonio, which would change sexual education in Texas schools from abstinence-only...

Keep it local

Douglas Luippold September 20, 2010

Throughout the month of October, eager students across campus will attend meetings for political organizations to learn how to make a difference in November’s elections. After hearing how to...

Greener game days

Douglas Luippold September 13, 2010

Despite the unity created by 100,000 individuals wearing burnt orange and chanting the same cheers, UT football is deceptively controversial. Mack Brown’s enormous salary, the special privileges...

Heed your health

Douglas Luippold August 27, 2010

Yesterday afternoon, freshmen across campus awoke from their first big-time college night out with their first big-time college hangover, validating a truth they long have suspected: Health in college...

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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin