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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

All content by Nick Hadjigeorge

Nick News is good news

Nick Hadjigeorge August 6, 2012

Editor’s note: A 30 column is a chance for departing permanent staff to say farewell and reflect on their time spent in The Daily Texan’s basement office. The term comes from the old typesetting...

Seton Healthcare Family plans for Austin medical school

Nick Hadjigeorge and Sarah White April 23, 2012

The Seton Healthcare Family, which operates 15 hospitals and clinics in Texas including University Medical Center Brackenridge, plans to spend $250 million on a new hospital that will include Austin’s...

The Daily Texan awarded top college newspaper, nominated for Mark of Excellence Award

Nick Hadjigeorge April 4, 2012

The Daily Texan received the top college newspaper award from the Texas Associated Press Managing Editors 2011 convention in Dallas for the second year in a row. The paper also earned a finalist position...

The Daily Texan receives Daily University, College newspaper of the Year for second straight year

Nick Hadjigeorge April 2, 2012

The Daily Texan received the top college newspaper award from the Texas Associated Press Managing Editors 2011 for the second year in a row. The paper also earned a finalist position in five categories...

Test PAC aims to unseat Lamar Smith

Nick Hadjigeorge and Victoria Pagan February 13, 2012

The political action committee Test PAC has its sights set on unseating Rep. Lamar Smith R-Texas using Internet-based tactics, while seeking to differentiate themselves from mainstream politics. Smith...

Doniak treated at hospital for hit-and-run injuries

Nick Hadjigeorge February 6, 2012

Kylie Doniak, UT women’s soccer senior, was admitted to the Brackenridge Medical Center intensive care unit when a vehicle ran a red light and struck her and a group of pedestrians in downtown Austin. The...


UT buildings to be ready by next academic year

Nick Hadjigeorge January 26, 2012

New facilities for the College of Communication, the Department of Computer Science and the College of Liberal Arts will provide advanced technology resources as well as department-unified locations for...

UT won’t be affected by electrical blackouts

Nick Hadjigeorge December 6, 2011

The Electric Reliability Council of Texas issued a 10-year outlook report last week stating that Texas could face rolling blackouts starting in the summer of 2012 because of reduced energy generation and...

Occupy protesters close bank accounts, march to the Drag

Nick Hadjigeorge December 5, 2011

Occupy Austin protesters marched from the Capitol to the corner of 24th Street and Guadalupe Street on Saturday to express their opposition of banks that received bailout funds and to celebrate the restrictions...

Occupy Austin protesters prepare for cold winter

Nick Hadjigeorge November 30, 2011

Blankets, jackets, socks and other materials have been donated to the Occupy Austin protesters to help them combat the temperature drop. Occupy Supply, a national program organized by the blog Firedoglake,...

Church director charged with embezzlement

Nick Hadjigeorge November 29, 2011

[Updated 1:33 p.m.: Corrected location of church] The former child care director of University United Methodist Church has been charged with third-degree felony theft for inappropriately using the...

Nationwide movement utilizes online streaming

Nick Hadjigeorge November 28, 2011

Occupy Austin and other Occupy protests around the country are using an online video streaming website called Livestream to broadcast a 24-hour live feed of anything that happens at the occupation. Austin...

Banned protesters file lawsuit

Nick Hadjigeorge November 22, 2011

A lawsuit filed in federal court Monday morning against the city of Austin claims their policy of banning arrested protesters from returning to City Hall is a violation of the First Amendment. Jim Harrington,...

Top Ten Bathrooms on Campus

Jillian Bliss and Nick Hadjigeorge November 18, 2011

Sometimes the “urge to go” comes when one may be in an unknown area of campus, standing outside a building never before entered but which hopefully has decent facilities. Sometimes, perhaps...

College Republicans president faces fallout from tweet

Nick Hadjigeorge November 17, 2011

Lauren Pierce, president of the UT College Republicans and secretary of the statewide Texas College Republicans, is facing the consequences of a tweet she posted voicing her opinion about President Barack...

Occupy Austin finds challenges, considers moving to park

Nick Hadjigeorge November 16, 2011

After one month of Occupy Austin’s encampment of City Hall, protester and general assembly facilitator Joe Cooper said the group is confronting the challenges and realities of maintaining the momentum...

Presentation highlights study abroad concerns for LGBTQ students

Nick Hadjigeorge November 15, 2011

It is important for LGBTQ students to learn about the history and culture of the country in which they will be studying abroad and to think about these facts in relation to their sexual identity, said...

Homeless man convicted of Hyde Park tire slashing

Nick Hadjigeorge November 14, 2011

Tommy Joe Kelley was sentenced to 10 years in prison last week for the unlawful use of a criminal instrument to puncture car tires in the Hyde Park neighborhood. David Conner, president of the Hyde Park...

Many demographics can remain underrepresented among those studying abroad

Nick Hadjigeorge November 9, 2011

Despite abundant resources and opportunities provided for students to gain valuable cultural and educational experiences from studying abroad, many demographics remain underrepresented at the University,...

APD launches second part of jaywalking initiative

Nick Hadjigeorge November 8, 2011

The Austin Police Department completed the first phase of its zero-tolerance jaywalking initiative Saturday and has begun the second phase, which focuses on cars failing to yield to street-crossing pedestrians. According...

‘Occupy Austin’ encourages transferring accounts to credit unions

Nick Hadjigeorge November 7, 2011

[Updated at 10:06 p.m., caption edits] Approximately 100 Occupy Austin protesters gathered at City Hall on Saturday morning and marched to the Wells Fargo branch at Congress Avenue and East Riverside...

Security cameras keep an eye on Sixth Street

Nick Hadjigeorge November 1, 2011

Seventeen High Activity Location Observation security cameras were installed along Sixth Street last Friday, aimed at thwarting crime and will expand to include a total of 26 cameras by next week, Austin...

Occupy Austin demonstrators arrested after law confusion

Nick Hadjigeorge October 31, 2011

[Updated at 9:29 p.m., memo released on Friday] Thirty-eight Occupy Austin protesters were arrested Sunday morning for criminal trespassing on City Hall property after preventing the removal of a food...

APD cracks down on jaywalking

Nick Hadjigeorge October 28, 2011

The Austin Police Department has begun ticketing people for jaywalking and other violations after a sharp increase in pedestrian fatalities this year. Seventeen pedestrians have been killed this year...

GPS aids wildfire evacuees

Nick Hadjigeorge October 26, 2011

A statewide evacuation coordination system developed by a UT professor using the latest technology was recently recognized by the International Association of Emergency Managers for its use during the...

Anti-death penalty activists, exonerated death row inmates march to Capitol

Nick Hadjigeorge October 24, 2011

Hundreds of activists and 25 exonerated death row inmates demonstrated at the Texas Capitol and marched through downtown Austin Saturday afternoon as part of the 12th annual March to Abolish the Death...

Rare earthquake surprises San Antonio

Liz Farmer, Jillian Bliss, and Nick Hadjigeorge October 21, 2011

A 4.8 magnitude earthquake struck 103 miles south of Austin in Karnes County yesterday morning at 7:24, sending tremors throughout downtown San Antonio and as distant as Round Rock. Earthquakes of this...

Copwatch strives to reduce police violence by surveillance

Nick Hadjigeorge October 20, 2011

Occupy Austin protester and co-founder of the group Copwatch is helping Austinites learn about their rights despite being arrested for exercising civil disobedience. Eric Ellison and three other Occupy...

Austin-Bergstrom airport to roll out less intrusive scanners

Nick Hadjigeorge October 14, 2011

[Corrected Oct. 16: Added "generic" before silhouette in 8th graf] By November, the Transportation Security Agency is scheduled to install full-body scanning machines using the latest technology...

Wind generation not straight-forward energy policy, expert notes

Nick Hadjigeorge October 14, 2011

The answer for achieving a cleaner environment may not be blowing in the wind, according to an energy consultant who spoke on campus Thursday. Negative economic effects and problems associated with wind...

City faces legal action over abortion clinic signage

Nick Hadjigeorge October 11, 2011

The city of Austin is facing legal challenges over the constitutionality of an ordinance requiring pregnancy resource centers to publicly announce they do not perform abortions, refer individuals to abortion...

National protests spread to campus

Nick Hadjigeorge and Jody Serrano October 7, 2011

In a sea of about 1,200, protesters gathered to express their opinions about corporate greed and political corruption. City Hall saw a crowd of about 150 people at 10 a.m. Thursday morning that grew to...

40 students walkout, join ‘Occupy Austin’

Nick Hadjigeorge October 6, 2011

A group of approximately 40 students met at South Mall on Wednesday at noon and held signs advertising Occupy Austin while chanting slogans like “money for jobs and education, not for wars and occupation.” Occupy...

UT Security and Fire Safety reports may indicate greater willingness to report sexual offenses

Nick Hadjigeorge and Liz Farmer October 4, 2011

The number of reported sex offense crimes increased between the years 2008 and 2010, according to the annual UT security and fire safety reports. The report also said 35 fire alarms were activated in 2010,...

Sexual Abuse Screening highlights college sexual assault rates

Nick Hadjigeorge September 30, 2011

One in four women will be raped at some point before they graduate and 95 percent of these assaults will go unreported, according to studies by the Department of Justice and the Center for Public Integrity. A...

University Health Services campaign provides flu shots to campus community

Nick Hadjigeorge September 27, 2011

With the high temperatures lasting into the fall, it may not feel like the flu season is fast approaching. But University Health Services is taking precautionary measures against the virus through a campaign...

Elliott Erwitt shares love of photography

Nick Hadjigeorge September 23, 2011

World-renowned photographer Elliott Erwitt has photographed a wide variety of subjects, from major historical figures to Parisian passersby and poodles. Erwitt presented personal favorites and well-known...

Emo’s Austin to close outside stage

Nick Hadjigeorge September 20, 2011

The corner of Sixth Street and Red River will be less loud and lively due to the upcoming closure of the outside stage of well-known music venue Emo’s. Emo’s manager Mike Staples said the...

Unique techniques kick off Visiting Artist Program

Nick Hadjigeorge September 13, 2011

Artist Steven Roden creates work out of ideas and concepts, which at first seem to lack structure and meaning. He said the aim of his work is to create art that arises from the tensions of various sources...

Countries profit from carbon market

Nick Hadjigeorge September 9, 2011

While pundits and politicians debate whether climate change is a real phenomenon, Diana Liverman, co-director of the University of Arizona’s Institute of the Environment, has been studying various...

Austin apartment renters face price hikes, research shows

Nick Hadjigeorge September 7, 2011

The cost of renting an apartment in Austin has increased 10.1 percent over the last six months, according to a report by the rental property research group Axiometrics Inc. The rent increase resulted...

Students bid on donated, abandoned bikes at annual auction

Nick Hadjigeorge September 2, 2011

Hundreds of bicycles on auction will get people’s wheels spinning toward less congestion and pollution on the roads. The University’s Parking and Transportation Services held its annual bike...

Family planning clinics face budget reductions

Nick Hadjigeorge September 2, 2011

  [Corrected 2:12 p.m. on Sept. 2: Because of an editing error, the headline that ran in the print version of this story incorrectly stated UHS offers free services to students.]  The resources...

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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin