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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

All content by Usmaan Hasan

McCombs absence policy hurts student career opportunities

Usmaan Hasan April 13, 2018

In the high-stress environment of college students focus on achieving high grades and setting themselves up for a career after graduation. But for a business major, the McCombs School of Business’s...

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A new stadium for Austin is a lose-lose

Usmaan Hasan March 20, 2018

The Austin Chamber of Commerce has a goal: score a new Major League Soccer franchise. The Columbus Crew announced plans to relocate from its Ohio home earlier this year. Since then, owner Precourt Sports...


Paxton’s bus block hurts possibilities for voter engagement

Usmaan Hasan February 28, 2018

Busing students to polling precincts engages new voters, exposes them to the issues and institutionalizes voting. School districts that elect to bus students to the polls should be allowed to. Students...


Advice for a new McCombs diversity officer

Usmaan Hasan February 14, 2018

In response to a racially offensive door-decorating contest, McCombs recently announced the hiring of an associate dean for Diversity and Inclusion, who will function as the chief diversity officer, CDO....


Beta testing the travel ban is racial profiling

Usmaan Hasan January 23, 2018

“Third time’s the charm” is the motto for President Trump’s travel ban. Travel Ban 3.0™ rolled out in September and, like most software updates, it was only a facelift on...


Elon Musk is everything that’s wrong with startup investments

Usmaan Hasan July 26, 2017

Business mogul Elon Musk is a master at manipulating his own press coverage. He believes we’re all living in a simulation, states that AI is an existential threat, and is striving to turn humans...


Texans deserve better vaccination policies from their legislators

Usmaan Hasan July 17, 2017

“Don’t California My Texas” has become the rallying cry of Texas Legislators and the Texas GOP, often used to deride the avocado-loving, personal-liberty-suppressing, liberal bastion...


Muslims can be Americans, treating them otherwise is un-American

Usmaan Hasan July 10, 2017

On the 4th of July, I waved the flag, sang the Star-Spangled Banner, and enjoyed BBQ with my family. On the 5th, I learned 60 percent of Americans support a travel ban aimed at Muslims. As a Muslim, I...

moana courtesy of Walt Disney Animation Studios

Current copyright regime makes entertainment industry boring

Usmaan Hasan June 19, 2017

Disney’s “Moana” took the world by storm in the summer of 2016, earning over $600 million and widespread critical acclaim. The associated toys and merchandise have generated immense revenue...


Software patents are bad for startups, need to go

Usmaan Hasan June 14, 2017

Last week, the founders of Pied Piper from the acclaimed HBO comedy “Silicon Valley,” crossed paths with “patent troll.” Trolls buy rights to an overly broad patent for pennies,...


House, Senate bills hurt local autonomy

Usmaan Hasan June 5, 2017

Last week Gov. Greg Abbott signed House Bill 100, overturning Austin’s voter-approved regulations on the ride-hailing industry and opening the door for Uber’s and Lyft’s return to the...


Confederate statues glorify Texas’ shameful past

Usmaan Hasan May 1, 2017

Monday, April 24, marked Confederate Memorial Day, which in different forms and fashions is still celebrated in eight states. Because we’re quirky and unique, I assume, Texas celebrates the arguably...

Thorium shows potential as safer nuclear energy

Usmaan Hasan April 24, 2017

Last week, Waste Control Specialists halted development of an Andrews County waste containment center because of concerns over flawed containment. The struggle for effective waste control solutions brings...


Texas death penalty practice deserves abolition

Usmaan Hasan April 17, 2017

Arkansas wants to execute eight people over the next 10 days. The state’s stock of Midazolam, a sedative used for lethal-injection, is due to expire at the end of the April. Not one to let taxpayer...


Patent protection reforms needed to liberate consumers from high drug prices

Usmaan Hasan April 10, 2017

217 years ago, on April 10th, 1710, the Statute of Anne came into effect — creating a 14-year period of exclusive protection for the works of authors. The Statute of Anne is considered the first...

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Texas should raise the minimum wage to protect workers

Usmaan Hasan April 4, 2017

The last time Texas raised its minimum wage was in 2009, when it was forced to by a change in the federal standard. In contrast, after receiving a pay raise in 2009, Texas legislators received another...


‘Dotcom bust’ parallels should worry Americans

Usmaan Hasan March 27, 2017

The 2017 edition of South by Southwest featured a “Startup Village” boasting an impressive set of speakers ranging from established tech companies, Beth Comstock vice chair of GE, to the nouveau...


Texas Republicans must join call for Russia probe

Usmaan Hasan March 6, 2017

Poor Jeff Sessions. As a deep-red Alabama Republican rejected by the Bush-era conservative establishment, the Trump presidency should be going swimmingly. Unfortunately for Attorney General Jefferson Beauregard...


Paxton’s ethics issues make him no martyr

Usmaan Hasan February 27, 2017

Warren Kenneth Paxton Jr., attorney general for the Abbott administration, is the top lawyer in Texas. In May, he will stand trial for fraud and, if found guilty, faces up to 99 years in prison. Republicans...


Celebrities deserve chance to change Trump’s mind

Usmaan Hasan February 13, 2017

Matthew McConaughey, part-time actor and full-time UT mascot, caught heat for his political commentary in the tradition of Hollywood actors. In suggesting that the country should embrace President Donald...

Sessions’ racist record makes him unfit for AG role

Usmaan Hasan February 2, 2017

Time heals all wounds. 31 years ago, after being deemed “too racist” for a federal judgeship by the Republican-controlled Senate Judiciary Committee, Jeffrey Beauregard Sessions III, receded back...

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