Horns Up: Barbecue and Student Activities Fair on Night One of Orientation
Do I hear a “heck yes” for that Texas barbecue? After a long day of meetings and advising appointments, settle into the Freshman Fifteen early with the barbecue at Gregory Gym on rhe first night of orientation. Take this opportunity to talk to some of the assembled student groups on campus — National College Quidditch Champs, for example. Any of the other 900 student groups at UT will probably be there too. But most importantly, eat that sweet, free BBQ. Oh, and don’t skimp on the veggies.
Horns Down: How much you’ll sweat during orientation.
When you aren’t sweating over registration, you’ll be leaving a trail of sweat behind you as you trek the length of the Sahara — er, we mean, the Forty Acres. So proper safari attire is a must. Bust out those Chacos and try to explain their pricetag to your parents as your peers languish while you breeze your way through the furnace. Keep everything else light, but don’t worry: you’ll still be able to make friends after the awkward glances at each other’s sweat stains. Horns down, Texas sun. Horns down.
Horns Up: Freedom.
Helicopter moms and dads — you love them, you miss them, but now you’re free from them. You may have to start waking yourself up (and dressing yourself, for those really dependent few), but you have your own place to live. Except for your other three roommates. And a lack of walls to separate you from them. But hey, all the snoring, studying, yelling and freshman year shenanigans will be in your own place. Tell me that doesn’t feel good.