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The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

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October 4, 2022

Design editor quits after management tells her to use “the other font” one last time


So many people write about when they joined the Texan as the head of their 30, but I don’t think that story truly encapsulates the last two and a half years I’ve spent here. 

Instead let me tell you about this little thing called funny weather. I don’t know how or when it started, but it’s in every paper I’ve ever worked on, and it’s (usually) the few words I get to add to the paper.

 They’re the perfect time capsule for each work night I’ve done at the Texan. Every one of them is a small snapshot of some joke we laughed at in the basement when all of us started to dissolve into the late night delirium. 

And the best part of it is that even with a campus-wide paper distribution, I know no one reads that part of the paper because no one ever goes “hey, why’s this paper say ‘so no subhead?’ under the weather?” 

But that’s fine! Because that part of the paper isn’t for them. It’s the sacred little section where Texan staffers can have an ounce of fun in every issue.

I may not remember every page, collage, and infographic I’ve worked on, but I’ll always remember the moments behind those few words in comic sans. 

Anyways, now that I’ve rambled, let’s get to the best part of a 30: the thank yous! [insert hand hearts here]

Carla: the Pokémon paintings, the seemingly endless supply of staffbox and teasers memes, and the random malware you somehow downloaded to the computer are all things I’ll never forget. Still don’t know how you managed the last one, but it made me laugh. Thank you for being the me on Mondays, and I know there are great things ahead for you in design. 

Kirti: You have an awe-inspiring amount of energy somehow and watching you complete a billion tasks at once on Thursday nights never ceased to amaze me. Thank you for always responding to my texts about doing a last minute infographic. You really saved me quite a few times with last minute deadlines. 

Lilah & Sanne: Thank you for sticking with me every Thursday night! The painting, tv and countless squiggles and sports graphics made each and every night wonderful. Y’all are so skilled, and I can’t wait to see what y’all do next semester.

Megan, Jenny, and Juleanna: thank you for sharing the ways of design with me and taking a chance on me many semesters ago. I really never would’ve made it far in this department without each and everyone of you. 

To all my other design dino’s of basement past and present: thank you for playing along with my 80s Dino slides, and random moments of chaos. It’s been an absolute dream to have you on the work nights when things went perfectly, but more importantly y’all were amazing even when everything went wrong. Please remember that I’m here for whatever y’all need in the future whatever that may be.

Alyssa: the honorary Dino… now that I’m retired, let’s play Papa’s Freezeria not in the basement.

Copy Kate: Thank you for always being an aisle away on work nights and for teaching me everything about football. If there’s another season of The Golden Bachelor, let’s watch it outside of the basement.

Morgan: I don’t think I could ever tell you how grateful I was to have met you on the design squad so many semesters ago. You’re part of why I stayed in this old basement for so long, and you’ve handled the most chaotic position of managing editor so skillfully. I’m so glad I spent my last semester here working side by side with you just like the first one.

Fiza, Sruti, and Megan: Thank y’all for the late nights post-production and for sharing a Taylor Swift obsession. 

Shez & Mantra: Both of you unequivocally made the basement a brighter and happier place, so thank you for making production nights so fun that I kept returning for another semester.

Breigh: You’re gonna do amazing next semester running the Texan, and I can’t wait to see what you accomplish at the helm.

Kevin: Keep watching the Great British Baking Bake Off. I promise you won’t regret it.

Peter: thank you for not making my last critique a “needs work,” and for always stopping by the design desks on work nights. 

Mom, Dad, & the rest of the family: thank you for letting me make y’all billboards for the Texan these last few years and for supporting all my little adventures in college!

And to anyone thinking about joining the Texan (especially the design department): do it! You won’t regret it.

Okay, that’s all.


Your most censored meteorologist,


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