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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Movies and TV

Wiz Khalifa disappoints with second album, brings nothing new

Ricky Stein December 4, 2012

Commercial success in the music industry is a double-edged sword; on the one hand, you’ve made it — hundreds of thousands, even millions of fans are now awaiting your highly anticipated next...


Multi-segment film ‘V/H/S’ chills with varied horror techniques

Alex Williams December 4, 2012

Horror films have to choose a style and stick with it. It is tough to navigate between the jump scares of slasher lore, the slow burn or the haunted house jamboree, but “V/H/S” makes full use...


“Killing Them Softly” hits storyline, misses political message

Alex Williams November 30, 2012

All of the best films are, in one way or another, “about something.” Not content to simply tell their stories, the movies work in some sort of thematically sound message or moral about today’s...


Seventh installment in ‘Universal Soldier’ franchise packed with action, not much else

Alex Williams November 30, 2012

As someone whose experience with the “Universal Soldier” franchise is limited to 3 a.m. channel-surfing and Wikipedia, I feel qualified to say that the seventh film in the franchise, “Universal...


Ang Lee provides visual interest in ‘Life of Pi’

Alex Williams November 21, 2012

To call “Life of Pi” a challenging novel to adapt would be an understatement. It is a deeply emotional work where much of the conflict is internal and much of the action consists of a boy and...


Austin Meyers speaks of his success in visual effects after winning Emmy

Olivia Arena November 19, 2012

Austin Meyers, a UT radio-television-film graduate, manipulates faces, redesigns streets and changes landscapes as a compositor for the hit HBO show “Boardwalk Empire.” Using computer-generated...

‘Twilight’ heroine comes up short, not much of a feminist role model

Sarah-Grace Sweeney November 16, 2012

In the age of the “Twilight” phenomenon, the case has been made plenty of times that Bella Swan is not a feminist. She is a terrible role model for young girls. Her relationship with Edward...


‘Breaking Dawn’ ends the ‘Twilight’ series with a whimper, not a bang

Alex Williams November 16, 2012

“Twilight” is the kind of franchise whose success simultaneously makes zero sense and all the sense in the world. It’s an exercise in horrible, horrible writing and characterization,...


Steven Spielberg and Daniel Day-Lewis create a well-made biopic with ‘Lincoln’

Alex Williams November 16, 2012

Steven Spielberg has made plenty of films about war, films like “Saving Private Ryan”  and “War Horse” that have painted alternately horrifying and moving pictures of the great...

Son makes film to dive into his father, William Colby’s, life as CIA director

Olivia Arena November 12, 2012

Carl Colby grew up as the son of a spy, not necessarily a father. Shrouded in mystery, William Colby spent nearly 30 years serving the United States as both CIA director and Spymaster. In Colby’s...


Latest addition to Bond series delivers some of best action scenes

Alex Williams November 9, 2012

Fifty years after the iconic secret agent ordered his first martini, shaken, not stirred, we find the Bond franchise at an impasse. “Casino Royale,” Daniel Craig’s series debut, was one...


“Smashed” powerful but short study of alcoholism

Alex Williams November 9, 2012

November is apparently the month of the alcoholism message movie, and between last week’s harrowing “Flight” and Sony Pictures Classics’ unsettling “Smashed,” the topic...

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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin