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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Student Life


Hype Squad brings school spirit to Texas sports

Megan Hix November 13, 2015

On Texas gamedays, Lexie Dolan and a group of 24 other boisterous, spirited students charge through a packed Darrell K Royal-Memorial Stadium and onto the field. Clad in matching burnt orange shorts and...


Slideshow: Diwali 2015

Briana Vargas and Thalia Juarez November 13, 2015

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Tips for inevitable all-nighters

Maluly Martinez Benavides November 12, 2015

At a particular hour of the night, the body will call for sleep, but sometimes deadlines and due dates take priority.  College students often put homework, projects and studying before a good night’s...


Tat-tuesday: People on campus share stories behind ink

Danielle Lopez and Cat Cardenas November 10, 2015

Editor’s note: Tat-Tuesday is a weekly series that features students around campus and their tattoos. Photos by Joshua Guerra | Daily Texan Staff Marion Rocco Literature professor Marion...


Free Austin events to attend this week

Katie Walsh November 9, 2015

Editor’s Note: In this recurring column, staff writer Katie Walsh recommends free events in Austin for the week. Monday, Nov. 9 As You Like It – An Apocalyptic Romantic Comedy Where:...


Student illusionist mixes magic with social life

Megan Hix November 4, 2015

In between classes, radio-television-film freshman Giancarlo Bernini  hangs out with his pledge brothers, studies in his dorm room and occasionally, reads minds. Bernini is a magician and illusionist...


Studies show students with later classes make lower grades

Eva Frederick November 4, 2015

Escaping from the early morning rising times required in high school may seem liberating, but students might want to think twice before scheduling classes with late start times. Later class times may...

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Google chooses UT-Austin as testing ground for new app

Ellen Airhart November 4, 2015

Even tech employees sometimes feel guilty about how phone screens have replaced conversation. Last Friday, Google launched a new app at UT called Who’s Down, which is meant to get people off their...


Campus organizations celebrate Day of the Dead

Estefania Espinosa November 3, 2015

Colorful altars covered in yellow marigolds, flickering candles, sugar skulls, old photographs and dishes stood in front of the UT Tower as part of an altar-decorating contest for a Dia de los Muertos...


Tat-tuesday: Students share stories behind ink

Thomas Boswell November 3, 2015

Editor’s note: Tat-Tuesday is a weekly series that features students around campus and their tattoos. Photos by Graeme Hamilton Alicia Denson Biology sophomore Alisha Denson got two...


Voluntourism allows students to combine travel, service

Abigail Zeitler November 2, 2015

Between visits to museums and iconic landmarks, some students are now spending their time abroad in clinics, nearby gardens and classrooms. Students are combining recreation and service through...


Science Scene: Halloween Edition

In celebration of Halloween, Science Scene writers Ellen Airhart, Maluly Martinez Benavides and Eva Frederick explain the science side of three creepy phenomena that might otherwise have you looking over...

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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin