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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan


Alter your reality for the better

Laura Wright December 6, 2012

Madeline Tuckfield has always lamented her hometown’s lack of urban legends. “I love Austin so much, it’s such a cool vibrant city, but we don’t have any monsters or ghosts,”...

Top 10 ways to avoid studying for finals

Laura Wright December 5, 2012

Listen, folks: The PCL being open 24 hours, 7 days a week could be taken as a license to increase your productivity — imagine all the extra books you can digest with 24 whole hours in those fluorescent-lit...

Protect the Internet, in Syria and in Texas

Grayson SImmons December 5, 2012

On Nov. 29, all of the Internet Protocol addresses in Syria simultaneously became unreachable. The entire country lost the Internet until it was restored just as mysteriously two days later. Syrian state-run...

How the Whisper app could help, but doesn’t

Patrick St. Pierre December 4, 2012

A new app called Whisper is gaining popularity among college students across the country. Whisper is a social platform that allows users to anonymously share secrets — hence the name — that...

What to Watch: December 3 – 7

The Daily Texan Editorial Board December 3, 2012

Every Monday, we provide a list of opinion-worthy events to expect during the coming week. The Association for India’s Development (AID) will stage a “die-in” on Monday at 11 a.m. on...

Scrutinize protests of UT’s Israeli interests

Tracy Frydberg December 3, 2012

In the Nov. 29th column “Draw the connections: UT, the US and Israel,” co-authors Christina Noriega and Jonathan Orta call for the University to “divest its interests in Israel”...

Obama and our future in space

Grayson SImmons November 30, 2012

I voted for Barack Obama during the recent election. There are a number of reasons why he got my vote, and although some might not think it carries much weight, his administration’s position on our...

Draw the connections: UT, the US and Israel

Jonathan Orta and Christina Noriega November 29, 2012

On Nov. 19, UT students and Austin community members marched through campus chanting, “Not another nickel, not another dime, no more money for Israel’s crimes.” (A separate protest with...

Maxims for the minimalist scholar

Aleksander Chan November 28, 2012

  1. C’s get degrees. 2. D stands for diploma. 3. Due tomorrow?       Do tomorrow. 4. Test tomorrow?        Stress tomorrow. —...

Why Americans don’t learn languages

Maria-Xenia Hardt November 27, 2012

Ten years ago, no one would have predicted that I would someday write for an English newspaper, get along in an English-speaking country or study English literature. As a German grammar school student,...

The end of email privacy

Jim Harrington and Renato Ramirez November 26, 2012

The U.S. Senate will soon vote on a law that would gravely undermine Americans’ privacy and give expanded, unbridled surveillance authority over people’s emails to more than 22 government agencies. Sen....

The under-told Thanksgiving story

Travis Knoll November 21, 2012

This week in elementary schools nationwide, children will hear stories about the brave Pilgrims who suffered through the long winters of the 1620s to maintain a successful British colony in Massachusetts....

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