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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan


Fire and rain

James Galbraith January 24, 2013

On a damp day in what was probably April 1965, my father, the economist John Kenneth Galbraith, took me to the Boston Common to hear a speech. We stood under umbrellas. The speaker was the Rev. Martin...

Armed matriculation

Roy Cathey January 23, 2013

After the recent tragedy in Newtown, CT, in which 20 students and six educators were murdered at a public school, the country has entered a heated debate over how to make schools safer. States such as...

Gunning for trouble

Pete Stroud January 23, 2013

On Tuesday, Jan. 15, five state representatives filed a bill, HB 553, that openly flouts the authority of the federal government, declares any federal regulation of gun availability to be unconstitutional...

Keep Austin’s cycling tradition alive without Lance

Amil Malik January 22, 2013

By now, you probably know that Lance Armstrong confessed to allegations of doping during all seven of his Tour de France victories. He did so in the first part of a 2 1/2-hour-long interview with Oprah...

We Asked: biased history?

The Daily Texan Editorial Board January 18, 2013

THE QUESTION:  On Jan. 10, the National Association of Scholars released a study that said history courses at UT focused on issues such as race, gender and class at the expense of other more traditional...

Gun control: A German’s disbelief

Maria-Xenia Hardt January 17, 2013

When I told people in Germany my plans to study in Texas for a year, they all had the same reaction: “Be careful with those cowboys, don’t get shot!” While I haven’t met many cowboys,...

Keep your eyes on the Capitol

Kayla Oliver January 16, 2013

The 83rd Texas Legislature convened at noon last Tuesday under a cold, rainy sky. A delegation of secessionists gathered near the entrance to the North Lobby to protest for Texas’ independence, while...

How to teach history

The Daily Texan Editorial Board January 15, 2013

Editor’s note: On Jan.11, the National Association of Scholars published a report titled “Recasting History.” The 62-page report concludes that both UT and A&M’s introductory...

B.A.? Be hired

Matt Gertken January 15, 2013

Undergraduates in the literature courses I teach often ask whether they are crazy for wanting to major in the liberal arts. Even the most indulgent parents sometimes nudge their children toward math, engineering...

Advice from a wannabe

Maria-Xenia Hardt December 7, 2012

When I was 12 years old, I told my family that I wanted to be a journalist when I grew up. A sports journalist. By 2022, I announced, they would all be able to watch me on TV, commenting on the final match...

Ethics overlooked at McCombs

Ryan Nill December 7, 2012

Nicole Renaux graduated from the Red McCombs School of Business in May 2010 and got a job at Black Star Co-op, a beer brewery and pub that is owned cooperatively by about 3,000 of its customers. At Black...

Holiday season doesn’t need a reason

Mac McCann December 6, 2012

As soon as Thanksgiving ends, we begin the Christmas shopping season. To celebrate the birth of a man who said to “sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor,” we spend more of...

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