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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan


When it comes to graduation rates, men are the problem

Patrick St. Pierre September 26, 2012

Unless you’ve been living under a rock far, far away from campus, you’re aware that the University of Texas favors four-year graduation rates. President William Powers, Jr. mentions the subject...

Don’t short your identity

Maria-Xenia Hardt September 26, 2012

Soon after I arrived on the UT-Austin campus, I saw a group of girls wearing striped Nike Tempo shorts, tennis shoes and oversized t-shirts. I thought they were part of a feminist organization rebelling...

A cross-cultural perspective

Olfa Hamdi September 25, 2012

In recent weeks, anti-American fury has ravaged the Middle East. Following a film mocking the Prophet Mohammad, protesters vented their anger against the United States, blaming it for what they consider...

Facing consequences is a part of protesting

Travis Knoll September 24, 2012

In the past two weeks a debate has arisen about UT students’ right to free speech. On Sept. 15, 18 UT students who occupied President William Powers Jr.’s office to persuade the administration...

When the resolve doesn’t meet the rhetoric

Stephen Ollar September 24, 2012

One would be hard-pressed to find anyone advocating against doing everything possible for the veterans of our nation’s two most recent wars. Most Americans recognize the great adversity those veterans...

In defense of restraint

Travis Knoll September 21, 2012

UT’s response to the 2010 shooting in the Perry-Castañeda Library is considered a success. This perception was strengthened last week by comparisons to UT’s late and disorganized response...

Go Europe: A better (and cheaper) way for the brave

Edgar Walters September 20, 2012

Last Wednesday, hundreds of students gathered on Gregory Plaza for the Study Abroad Fair. There they learned about the life-changing nature of study abroad programs and listened to inspiring catch phrases...

Take charge of your course requirements

Michael Morton September 19, 2012

As the fall semester begins, one academic area where students struggle for ownership is the University’s 42-hour core curriculum. A common requirement for all students, the core curriculum features...

Hello, my name is: ‘Party’

Maria-Xenia Hardt September 18, 2012

At UT, there’s something for everybody. Not only in the course catalog but also when it comes to extra-curricular activities. With over 1,000 student organizations, it is hard not to find one that...

Don’t sneer at Arizona State

Pete Stroud September 17, 2012

In April 2011, UT System Board of Regents chairman Gene Powell released a memo outlining his goals for the UT System and UT-Austin in particular. Powell proposed UT increase undergraduate enrollment by...

Co-op market doesn’t cut it

Emily Mathis September 13, 2012

On a recent evening, my roommate and I were commiserating about our freshman year weight gain. We are both now juniors, and still, so to speak, working our asses off to get rid of that weight. Of course...


Before and after: Sweatt and Fisher

The Daily Texan Editorial Board September 13, 2012

Editor’s Note: Heman Marion Sweatt II is the nephew of Heman Sweatt, the first African American to attend UT Law School. Sweatt won the right to enroll after he filed a civil rights case against...

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