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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan


My father deserves his due

Travis Knoll June 25, 2012

I was raised by a gay, single father. A recent study by UT sociology professor Mark Regnerus found that children raised by gay parents are at a disadvantage. One of the many responses to the study was...

Should I keep DREAMing?

Manuel Ramírez June 25, 2012

Like many college students this summer I secured an internship. Others would be excited about the opportunity. I, on the other hand, had to worry. I flew halfway around the country for my internship, and...

Privatizing universities: don’t bank on it

Kayla Oliver June 18, 2012

Authors of a recent Forbes article generated considerable buzz when they promoted a plan for the aggressive privatization of university services. While elimination of state political control may appeal...

The truth trumps top 14

Dave Player June 11, 2012

Last December, when my fellow law students and I were cramming for finals, we received news that our fearless leader, Dean Lawrence Sager, had been fired. This past month, once again cramming for finals,...

Longhorn of the year

Judith Zaffirini The state senator from Laredo and proud UT alumna has been the defender-in-chief for her alma mater at the not-always-friendly state Capitol. Zaffirini’s main line of work this...

Reassessing exams

Kayla Oliver May 4, 2012

As always, dead week promises to live up to its ominous name. With classes drawing to a close and finals swiftly approaching, students ready themselves for caffeine-fueled nights at the library, sealing...

Stepping down from the soapbox

Zoya Waliany May 3, 2012

I am opinionated. And I love telling other people these opinions. And even further, I love to shock people with my opinions. If I happen to spark dialogue and evoke others’ passions in this process,...

Lessons for the classroom and beyond

Melissa Macaya May 3, 2012

Graduation is here and, like most seniors will say, my four years flew by. They were marked by incredible experiences and lessons inside and outside of the classroom. And that is what my column is about...

The three things I wish I had known

Katherine Taylor May 3, 2012

Since this is my last column, I want to self-indulgently take a little time to thank the important people. Thank you to my friends and family who actually read my column. And thank you to my dad for telling...

Trayvon Martin cartoon controversy: Reflecting back, moving forward

As the semester draws to a close, and as students and faculty focus on exams, grading and the pending summer break, it is important not to forget the controversy that briefly engulfed the UT campus and...

Taking strides to make the world change

Channing Holman May 2, 2012

Growing up, I was taught to work harder because I was a black female and things wouldn’t be handed to me. I knew that people wouldn’t want to see me succeed because of the color of my skin....

An open letter to the South Mall Lawn

Heba Dafashy May 2, 2012

Dear South Mall Lawn, I was asked to reflect on my time here at UT and felt it was fitting to address this letter to you. You have seen thousands of students walk around you and have become a special...

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