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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan


Building from the University’s racist past

Zoya Waliany May 1, 2012

The majestic University campus is a source of pride for all Longhorns, from the collegiate Six Pack to the ever-photogenic Tower. What most students fail to notice about our campus, however, is the years...

Maintaining a healthy neighborhood

Drew Finke May 1, 2012

Foodies and downtown residents alike cheered last week when Trader Joe’s announced that it would open its first Austin store adjacent to the Seaholm Power Plant, only blocks away from competitor...

Out of the box and into the world

Heba Dafashy April 30, 2012

Any person who has visited campus for one day can testify to the racial diversity that is present at our University. UT prides itself on this demographic diversity as the campus transforms into a door...

The benefits of a holistic admissions process

Eric Chen April 30, 2012

Editor’s note: On behalf of the Center for Asian American Studies, Eric Chen, a 2009 UT alumnus, describes some Asian-American perspectives on the case of Fisher v. UT. One of my most defining experiences...

Failing to nurture the needs of introverts

Katherine Taylor April 27, 2012

My name is Katherine Taylor, and I’m an introvert. No, I’m not a social misfit. Yes, I still have friends. Contrary to common misconceptions, introversion doesn’t actually reflect how...


Point-Counterpoint: The push for a sweatshop-free UT

Zoya Waliany and Kayla Oliver April 26, 2012

Editor’s note: Last week, 18 members of the Make UT Sweatshop-Free Coalition protested the University’s affiliation with the Fair Labor Association, a group that monitors working conditions....

Longhorn of the Year nomination: Marsha Miller

Matt Portillo April 26, 2012

Editor’s note: The following is a suggestion we have received for Longhorn of the Year. Marsha Miller is UT’s official photographer, and she has served the University in this capacity for...

Longhorn of the Year nomination: Simeon Bochev

Jonathan W. Valvano April 25, 2012

Editor’s note: The following is a suggestion we have received for Longhorn of the Year. Simeon Bochev Simeon is one of the most outgoing, helpful, thoughtful and energetic students I have ever...

Failing to listen to the echoes of protest

Jessica Osorio April 25, 2012

As a graduate student who has spent two years learning about human rights, social justice and decolonization, I felt compelled to stand in support of fellow students who are taking action so that UT is...

Occupy the Millennium Lab

Stephen McGarvey April 24, 2012

Perhaps I’m being greedy. Perhaps there are more important issues, such as sweatshop labor, rising tuition costs and expensive student loans. But right now, the issues facing the University have...

Bus rapid transit: glamorous but ineffective

Drew Finke April 23, 2012

Students who rely on the 1, 3 and 101 bus routes to get to and from campus will be able to take advantage of improved bus services in about two years’ time, according to an announcement made by Capital...

Waiting for you, @President Powers

Katherine Taylor April 20, 2012

It is time for UT to step out of the dark ages. It is time for UT to leave Plato’s cave and enter into the light of Internet expression. It is time for President William Powers Jr. to get a Twitter. Look,...

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