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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan


Pushing the boundaries of campus culture

Drew Finke April 3, 2012

Winston Churchill said that “We shape our buildings; thereafter they shape us.” A university that contributes so much to the local and global cultural dialogue should not ignore the reciprocal...

The Hunger Games of the GOP primaries

Katherine Taylor April 2, 2012

Candidates prepare for months, sometimes years, to get ready. They give interviews in front of huge crowds of people to gain support. Intense focus is allocated for raising money through sponsors to pay...

The wrong solution to a littering problem

Hannah Lapin April 2, 2012

Tubing. Canoeing. Kayaking. Swimming. For decades, UT students and tourists have been drawn to the beautiful city of San Marcos for the many fun, recreational activities available on the river. Recently,...

Cultivating personal beliefs in college

Zoya Waliany March 30, 2012

Throughout his campaign, Republican presidential hopeful Rick Santorum has made countless outlandish remarks targeting dozens of groups in the nation. Among his targets is higher education, which he attacked...

When the donor becomes the decider

Rui Shi March 30, 2012

While the era of “big government” spending on higher education is over, the era of big philanthropy has just begun. According to a recent study conducted by The Chronicle of Higher Education,...

Enhance signature courses to improve research skills

Kayla Oliver March 29, 2012

Since its inception in 2008, the School of Undergraduate Studies has offered hundreds of signature courses designed to facilitate the transition from high school to college by improving students’...

Learning from leadership

Heba Dafashy March 29, 2012

Coptic Orthodox Christian Pope Shenouda III, patriarch of one of the most ancient Christian faiths in the world, passed away March 17. Coptic Christians make up about 10 percent of Egypt’s population...

Moving forward from a disheartening election

Madison Gardner March 28, 2012

The past month has been an adventure to say the least. I know most students probably don’t care much for Student Government, but I really believe in what the organization can do for students. I’m...

Voter ID: Securing the polls

Stephen McGarvey March 27, 2012

The voting process is of pivotal importance in a true democracy. Our leaders and policies must be determined by the will of the people, through the votes they cast on Election Day. If this process were...

Encourage equal benefits at UT

Michael Redding March 26, 2012

Other than a recent scuffle over whether candidates for Student Government actually support them, the subject of domestic partner benefits has all but been dropped from campus-wide dialogue. Yet it is...

Look both ways: safety for pedestrians

Drew Finke March 26, 2012

People who have been on campus long enough have a story about a time they were almost hit by a careless driver while crossing the street or a time they saw the same thing happen to someone else. Students...

The promise and potential of education start-ups

Rui Shi March 23, 2012

Hard economic times have meant budget cuts across the board for higher education. But while universities across the nation are facing financial challenges, education-technology start-ups are experiencing...

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