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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan



The University Co-op should reimplement student discounts

Diego Díaz March 11, 2021

College is not cheap, a reality that students have accepted for generations. Even with the recent push to make higher education more affordable, students still feel the financial strain they reluctantly...


We have a right to know who sent “The Eyes of Texas” emails

Deborah Hill March 10, 2021

On the morning of March 1, The Texas Tribune broke the news that some UT donors were threatening to rescind large donations unless the University authoritatively acted in support of the alma mater song...


Professors, release your textbook lists earlier

Megan Tran March 10, 2021

Textbooks are a routinely expensive aspect of university life. On average, UT estimates that a full-time undergraduate student will spend over $700 on just “books and supplies” for the 2020-2021...


UT must prepare for the next winter storm

Alexandra Purchatzke March 9, 2021

As our community copes with the effects of the recent winter storm, UT must focus on preparing  for future storms. The University, like most of the state, lacked basic winter weather resources and...


We need to reassess the way languages are taught

Susan Cardone March 9, 2021

Many degrees at UT require students to take a foreign language. In the College of Liberal Arts for instance, students have to meet an “intermediate” level of proficiency.  However,...


‘Y’all ready?’: Vote Kiara and Ethan

Editor's note: This endorsement reflects the opinion of The Daily Texan Editorial Board and not the opinions of The Daily Texan staff as a whole. This Student Government election season has been different...

Andreana Lozano_internal_transfer_color

Centralize information for internal transfer students

Hairuo Yi March 5, 2021

Being interested in double majoring myself, I’ve gone to a handful of information sessions and major advising appointments — much like the other 65% of UT students who change majors at least...


Professors should invite guest lecturers to their classes

Hunter Littleton March 5, 2021

Lecture-based classes are a common part of the college experience. Within these settings, professors hold a firm grip on the ebbs and flows of the learning environment. However, in this kind of academic...


Replace signature courses with broader first-year seminar

Diego Díaz March 4, 2021

The importance of a liberal arts education cannot be understated. The ability to think critically and ask questions is fundamental to creating a culture of scholars that will enter the world with the best...


Bring Emotional Support Animal letter service to campus

Eva Strelitz-Block March 4, 2021

Recently, emotional support animals (ESAs) — animals that provide therapeutic benefits to their owners, including reducing anxiety and depression — have become a significant component of how...

Tuition_Megan Fletcher infographic

Standardize tuition rates across colleges

Megan Tran March 3, 2021

Alan Bean, a notable alumnus of UT, said, “I feel like everyone who goes to The University of Texas is blessed and lucky to be there because they’re getting a chance to be as good as they can...


Students deserve informed advising when exploring, transferring into other programs

Susan Cardone March 3, 2021

When entering college, not everyone knows what major they want. Many students end up transferring to a different major or pursuing a new minor.  However, it is difficult to navigate the process...

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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin