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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan


safety illo

Don’t rely on new safety measures to protect you from crime

Abby Springs February 11, 2020

Austin is a big city. With nearly one million people, it’s the 11th largest city in the United States — and the UT campus is right smack dab in the middle of it. Living in a large, urban...

hannah stats

UT needs multi-disciplinary undergraduate statistics major

Hannah Lopez February 7, 2020

There are around 200 schools that offer statistics as a major in the United States, but UT is not one of them. UT’s position, both geographically and academically, is perfect for future statistics...


Students must use their voice for political advocacy

Maria Sailale February 7, 2020

With the prevalence of politics on social media, it’s no surprise that students are informed about pressing issues. We mindlessly tweet, like and share our way through our daily dose of political...


Ethnic studies programs need more promotion

Madison Goodrich February 6, 2020

When I first started my undergraduate career, I didn’t fully appreciate all the educational opportunities UT had to offer. I was originally admitted as a government major, but soon into my ...


Extra costs in engineering classes must be alleviated

Ishan Shah February 5, 2020

When I walked into my first class this semester, I was expecting to be handed a syllabus detailing relevant course information. Instead, I was greeted with a costly list of lab equipment and textbooks...


Lending libraries would help students and professors alike

Abhirupa Dasgupta February 5, 2020

Picture this: me, unathletic, running as fast as I can — which is not that fast — to the University Co-op 20 minutes before it closes. Then picture this: me, emotionally unstable, almost collapsing...


For students with anxiety, the CMHC needs an online form to book appointments

Abby Springs February 4, 2020

For as long as I can remember, I’ve struggled with social anxiety. Making phone calls, speaking up in class and even simple conversations can create knots in my stomach and runaway thoughts in my...

collusion illo

Professors need to consider a lower stakes grading system

Sam Thielman January 31, 2020

Ah, the new semester. People aren’t stressed out of their minds yet, classes are still fresh and interesting and there’s a sense of excitement around campus.  Let’s fix that....


Students need opportunity to rewrite papers in all courses

Abhirupa Dasgupta January 31, 2020

I’m a writing and literature kid masquerading as a STEM student. For as long as I can remember, I’ve been saying to people, “I love math and science. It’s so much better than literature...


More classes should offer lecture recordings

Hannah Lopez January 30, 2020

Six years ago, Liberal Arts Instructional Technology Services introduced UT’s automatic lecture recording system, Lectures Online. The automatic program offers professors an efficient way to easily...


Free tampons belong in men’s bathrooms, too

Abby Springs January 30, 2020

If you’ve been on Twitter the past few weeks, you’ve likely seen these viral videos with hundreds of thousands of likes — a young woman with a microphone approaches college students to...


Yes, you have failed us.

The Daily Texan Editorial Board January 29, 2020

You said it yourself, President Fenves. You have failed us. At Monday’s town hall on sexual misconduct, we needed answers. Answers for why, after months of protest, there has been so little progress....

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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin