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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

All content by Aimée Santillán

LBJ Washington Center appoints inaugural director

Aimée Santillán December 5, 2014

The LBJ School of Public Affairs announced this week Thomas O’Donnell as the inaugural director for the new LBJ Washington Center. In the past, O’Donnell has worked in the White House, the...


Researchers find gene network that predicts alcohol abuse

Aimée Santillán December 3, 2014

UT researchers have discovered a network of genes that could work together to help predict alcohol dependence. Sean Farris, postdoctoral fellow at the Waggoner Center for Alcohol and Addiction Research,...

UT to host symposium for African writers

Aimée Santillán November 26, 2014

Starting Tuesday, the Department of English will bring five writers of contemporary African literature to the Union as part of its Symposium for African Writers. Aaron Bady, English lecturer and...

Dell Medical School hires first department chairs

Aimée Santillán November 21, 2014

The University hired its first two department chairs for the upcoming Dell Medical School earlier this week. Kevin Bozic will be the new chair of the medical school’s surgery department, and Amy...

Nature journal ranks UT the 15th most productive scientific research institution

Aimée Santillán November 19, 2014

The University has been ranked among the world’s most productive scientific research institutions by the journal Nature. According to John Bird, director of media outreach in the Office of the...


UT researchers develop device that could improve wireless communication

Aimée Santillán November 12, 2014

UT researchers at the Cockrell School of Engineering recently developed a smaller and more efficient radio wave circulator, which they say could significantly improve telecommunication. According to...


University hosts Thanks Day to celebrate donors

Aimée Santillán November 7, 2014

Students signed whiteboards on Gregory Plaza thanking the University’s donors as part of the University Development Office’s fifth annual Thanks Day on Thursday. Marsha Reardon, the...


UT study reports increase in vegetable consumption can prevent diseases in overweight children

Aimée Santillán October 29, 2014

A recent UT study found an increase in vegetable consumption in children is enough to prevent diseases and improve health. The study, contributed to by Jaimie Davis, nutritional sciences assistant professor,...


Senate of College Councils holds Integrity UT Week

Aimée Santillán October 24, 2014

The Senate of College Councils is holding its annual Integrity UT Week, which runs through Friday, to promote academic integrity inside the classroom and raise awareness of the University’s honor...


University receives $3 million grant for storm surge prediction technology

Aimée Santillán October 22, 2014

To help Texas emergency managers develop better storm simulations, the National Science Foundation donated $3 million to the University’s Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences. Clint...

Former national security adviser calls post-9/11 intelligence reform successful

Aimée Santillán October 18, 2014

Stephen Hadley, former national security adviser, said at an intelligence conference held in the AT&T Executive Education and Conference Center on Friday that intelligence and counterterrorism...


Pulitzer Prize-winning photojournalists share experiences at panel

Aimée Santillán October 17, 2014

Pulitzer Prize winning photojournalists Lucian Perkins, Judy Walgren, as well as famed photojournalists Eli Reed, Dennis Darling and Meredith Kohut talked about their experiences in photojournalism...


Guest lecturer talks about expanding savings accounts aimed at poor families, children

Aimée Santillán October 15, 2014

Michael Sherraden, founding director of the Center for Social Development at Washington University in St. Louis, spoke about expanding a policy concerning savings accounts for children. According to...


Moody College researchers find clothing stores’ ‘look-alike’ policy alienates customers

Aimée Santillán October 13, 2014

Clothing stores that hire similar-looking employees may alienate customers, according to a study conducted by professors from the Moody College of Communication. Advertising faculty — assistant...


Photographer discusses project on Mexican homeownership

Aimée Santillán October 8, 2014

Mexican photographer Alejandro Cartagena spoke Tuesday at the Harry Ransom Center about his photographic documentary chronicling the growth of suburbs in Monterrey, Mexico,  titled “Small Guide...


Guest lecturer discusses how to catch liars

Aimée Santillán October 3, 2014

Looking at lies as betrayals of trust with negative outcomes, Leanne ten Brinke from the Haas School of Business and Department of Psychology at the University of California-Berkeley, talked about the...


UT study finds fracking uses same amount of water as conventional oil production

Aimée Santillán October 2, 2014

A study led by a UT researcher found that the amount of water used for unconventional gas and oil production, such as hydraulic fracturing, is about the same as is used for conventional production.  The...


UT professor’s book looks at benefits of bilingualism

Aimée Santillán September 26, 2014

There can be economic benefits to learning a second language, according to a UT professor. Education assistant professor Rebecca Callahan and UCLA professor Patricia Gándara conducted research...


Guest lecturer expresses need for greater cooperation between global powers

Aimée Santillán September 10, 2014

Claiming the U.S. faces an era of global disorder, Michael Auslin, director of Japan Studies at the American Enterprise Institute think tank, discussed political and social problems in Asia at the Lyndon...

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Aimée Santillán