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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

All content by Laura Hallas

Editor-in-chief rambles for last time in official capacity

Laura Hallas May 4, 2018

Editor’s note: A 30 column is a chance for departing permanent staff to say farewell and reflect on their time spent in The Daily Texan’s basement office. The term comes from the old typesetting...

annette meyer

Find your voice at the Texan this spring

Laura Hallas January 16, 2018

While we at the Texan are still hoping a wintry intervention will extend our class hiatus, a new semester does bring one bright spot — the chance to join The Daily Texan. When it comes to serving...


Find your voice, join The Daily Texan this fall

Laura Hallas August 30, 2017

Whether you just moved for the first time, missed UT while you were away this summer or reveled in taking classes that weren’t filled to capacity, I am excited to welcome you back to the 40 Acres.  When...


Find your voice, apply to The Daily Texan this summer

Laura Hallas June 5, 2017

The Daily Texan is holding summer staff tryouts now through June 19. For any passion you might have, we have a department to help you explore and develop—regardless of your major or previous experience....

Experiential learning creates student opportunities

Laura Hallas April 28, 2017

Her freshman year, radio-television-film and journalism sophomore Krystal Cruz walked into one of her first journalism classes. The professor, gauging the room, asked the class who had previously worked...


The Daily Texan best serves UT by improving its representation

Laura Hallas February 28, 2017

Student media has always strived to adequately cover topics that concern campus. But now, talk of the digital age pales amid shouts of fake news, and speaking of “student issues” means directly...


Students have tools to fight bigotry, promote free speech

Laura Hallas February 17, 2017

Editor's note: Laura Hallas is a candidate to be the next Daily Texan Editor-in-Chief. The following editorial ran alongside another by Janhavi Nemawarkar, who is also running for the position. Be...

Other new tower Rachel Zein

Austin stands to benefit from sanctuary city status

Laura Hallas December 1, 2016

Austin is poised to be Texas’ first so-called sanctuary city, and the christening couldn’t come at a more difficult time. With a president-elect and state legislature vowing to slash funding...


Students must work to prevent peer-to-peer sexism

Laura Hallas November 17, 2016

A recent New York Times interview series asked women about times they had felt trivialized because they were a girl. All responses highlighted poignant displays of sexism, but the most heartbreaking anecdotes...


America needs to rethink the electoral college

Laura Hallas November 10, 2016

The outcome of Tuesday night’s presidential election is clear. The people spoke, and the majority of voters want Hillary Clinton in office.  Yet Trump is America’s president-elect,...


Our agriculture commissioner called Clinton a c*** — vote down the ballot

Laura Hallas November 4, 2016

Yesterday I spotted a new political gem on my Twitter feed. It wasn’t a new meme-able quote from Trump or an update on Clinton’s emails, but a tweet from the Texas’ agricultural commissioner’s...


Austin’s cycling infrastructure still needs work

Laura Hallas October 20, 2016

A few days ago I was checking out at the Central Market on North Lamar Boulevard when a man dressed in a bike jersey and shorts turned in my direction. “Nice,” he said, noticing my helmet....


Austin needs ‘ugly’ food subscription services

Laura Hallas October 13, 2016

Every UT student has experienced the moldy blueberry problem. The phenomenon is characterized by excitement for fresh produce, only to realize that the fruits or vegetables you just bought  are already...


Trump does not advocate for women in the workforce

Laura Hallas October 6, 2016

This is a historic year for young women voters. For many of us, it is our first year of voter eligibility, and it is the first time anyone has seen a woman nominated for president by a major party. For...


College Republicans should not vote blindly

Laura Hallas September 30, 2016

Last week, the College Republicans officially declared their support for Trump. I was extremely disappointed in my fellow Longhorns’ decision, but not for the reason you might think.  Political...


Texas must reduce maternal mortality rates

Laura Hallas September 22, 2016

Texas has once again been dragged into the women’s health spotlight with its most dismal metric yet. According to a recent report, Texas mothers are dying at shockingly high rates — in fact,...


Students should reject fast fashion, thrift instead

Laura Hallas September 15, 2016

New York fashion week started on Sept. 7, but chances are knockoff versions will hit shopping malls before the event even ends. This “fast fashion” depends on cheap labor and harsh chemicals,...


Anthropocene declaration warrants climate action

Laura Hallas September 8, 2016

Last week, scientists reached another landmark climate change consensus with the recommended declaration of the Anthropocene epoch — a period of man changing Earth.  No doubt this pronouncement...


Telemedicine regulations prove unnecessary

Laura Hallas September 1, 2016

In a few short months, the Texas legislature will convene to discuss annual budgets, political financing and what just might be the future of healthcare in America — telemedicine.  Here, the...


Health outreach programs stand to benefit Austin teens

Laura Hallas August 25, 2016

Crowded school auditoriums and health courses are the familiar venues for teenage health programming, but these environments don’t usually inspire candid conversations or practical advice for navigating...

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Medical missions make ‘do no harm’ difficult

Laura Hallas May 2, 2016

It’s savior season. As classes end and students have several free months, many will choose to go on medical mission trips abroad. While students have the best of intentions for these trips, a critical...

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Freshmen of all walks deserve expanded research options

Laura Hallas April 25, 2016

This year marks the tenth anniversary of the Freshman Research Initiative, better known as FRI. The College of Natural Sciences’ initiative has been a wild success, replicated throughout the country....

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Despite student hatred, registration really isn’t that bad

Laura Hallas April 18, 2016

This morning began UT’s most dramatic ritual: registration. From now through the 29th, thousands of blurry-eyed student will anxiously wait for the clock to turn to 9:00, with unique numbers ready...

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Texas has potential to pioneer conservative climate reform

Laura Hallas April 11, 2016

As we approach the 10-year anniversary of Nobel-prize winner Al Gore’s documentary, “An Inconvenient Truth,” there has been another foreboding development in climate change. A new study...


Texas’ use of death penalty on the mentally ill demands reform

Laura Hallas April 4, 2016

Capital trials sound like the height of democracy, being respectful yet high stakes contests. Frankly, they aren’t. It is not uncommon for lawyers, jurors and even judges to fall asleep. This is...


Foster kids can’t be ignored in fight against homelessness

Laura Hallas March 28, 2016

Every day on the walk from West Campus to the University, students pass by homeless people, many of which are young adults who, under different circumstances, could pass off as classmates. A single street...


Political satire deserves to be taken seriously

Laura Hallas March 21, 2016

Election season is in full force. Every cable news desk, radio podcast and conversation with your grandparents seems to focus on politics. Even here at school, recent student elections have captured campus...


UT food desert feeds unhealthy eating habits

Laura Hallas March 7, 2016

College is a formative period for a lot of reasons. It turns students into adults capable of doing adult things like living on their own, managing a budget and eating their vegetables. But what happens...


Pope’s words offer next steps for Zika birth defect prevention

Laura Hallas February 29, 2016

The spread of the Zika virus has become a stage for discussing a myriad of larger world issues, from global warming to the Olympics. Now, religion and contraception have entered the conversation. While...

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HPV prevention requires vaccination for men and women

Laura Hallas February 22, 2016

Sexually transmitted infections are scary enough without the added risk of developing cancer, yet this is exactly what we face with human papillomavirus, better known as HPV. Luckily, there is a vaccine....

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For mosquito-borne diseases, long term pragmatism must replace temporary panic

Laura Hallas February 15, 2016

Chances are you hadn’t heard of Zika a year ago. The virus that the World Health Organization (WHO) recently declared an international public health emergency has been around for more than 60 years,...


Rapid growth crowds out African-American Austinites

Laura Hallas February 8, 2016

As a city, Austin is topping the charts. In 2015 it was named Next Biggest Boom Town, Best City for Tech and even the Best Large City to Live In. These rankings hold true for all of Austin’s populations...


A weak federal government is a weak choice

Laura Hallas February 1, 2016

On Jan. 8, Greg Abbott gave a speech outlining his nine-step plan for “Restoring the Rule of Law,” calling for a constitutional power shift from the federal to state level. In doing so, he...


World’s green goals need local effort

Laura Hallas January 25, 2016

I grew up a few miles outside of Dallas, and as anyone in the South can attest, heat could make or break plans for the day. However, I had other concerns that were less natural. On many occasions, I had...


From healthcare to home, child gun deaths require greater prevention efforts

Laura Hallas January 19, 2016

Today is Jan. 19, 2016. We are 19 days into the new year. The statement is obvious, but important nonetheless. For 19 days, we have gone about our lives. In the same 19 days, 23 children were shot. The...


For campus sexual assaults, false reporting is a false measure

Laura Hallas November 30, 2015

The conversation about campus sexual assault lacks trust, most notably around the idea of false reporting. The wedge this issue drives between women and men has to be addressed when developing sexual assault...


The Safe Campus Act is a step backward in stopping campus assaults

Laura Hallas November 16, 2015

If a student’s bike is stolen on campus, they can choose to report the incident to the police, the university or both. If a student is sexually assaulted on campus, they can choose to report the...


Creative graduate school funding encourages diverse, well-rounded work force

Laura Hallas November 2, 2015

Knowing how to handle money is never a bad skill. Business knowledge is useful in government, nonprofit and startup work, not just in banking or finance. However, graduate programs are a big investment....


Campus carry harms recruitment

Laura Hallas October 19, 2015

Campus carry has affected many people, but there is one group on campus who has the largest stake in the new legislation: professors. They carry the burden of maintaining a learning environment, and promoting...


Counterpoint: Uber has already shown it cannot be trusted

Laura Hallas October 11, 2015

Editor's note: This column appears in a point-counterpoint regarding Uber regulations. Read this column's corresponding counterpoint here. Uber’s growth in the last six years has been...


Optimizing students’ political clout can have big impacts in state policy

Laura Hallas October 5, 2015

With the passage of the campus carry law SB 11, students are realizing that state legislation can hit close to home, and in this case, their classrooms. It is important, because of laws like this one,...


International refugee crisis demands local attention

Laura Hallas September 21, 2015

The pictures tell the story. Huddled masses, standoffs with police, children lying dead on beaches. Images and stories of the European refugee crisis have shocked the world into a conversation about refugees...


Sexual health education deserves a place in orientation programming

Laura Hallas September 2, 2015

The Texas public school system takes responsibility for students’ education from the age of five until they graduate college. However, at no point is there a requirement for practical sexual education,...

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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin