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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

All content by Zachary Keener
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Students bring abandoned flower bed back to life

Zachary Keener March 26, 2014

While Jester East Dormitory loomed overhead, members of Brackenridge, Roberts, and Prather Residence Hall Council planted flowers in the the courtyard shared by the dormitories this past Sunday.  Nick...

Canadian ambassador says U.S. should complete construction on Keystone Pipeline

Zachary Keener March 24, 2014

This article was originally written on March 7, 2014. Canadian Ambassador H.E. Gary Doer said the U.S. should continue constructing the Keystone Pipeline, a cross-country oil pipeline, in a speech at...

Researchers make first steps toward researching methane hydrates with $1.7 million grant

Zachary Keener March 24, 2014

This story was originally written on March 18, 2014. Lying hidden under the world’s oceans and permafrost may be the world’s next best bet for a source of natural gas, stowed away in the...

University astronomers watch as black hole swallows gas cloud

Zachary Keener February 25, 2014

A little more than 26,000 years ago, a gaseous object collided with a giant black hole in the center of the Milky Way. Now, astronomers will finally have an opportunity to witness it. The cloud, which...

Nursing school receives $20,000 grant

Zachary Keener February 21, 2014

The Jonas Center for Nursing and Veterans Healthcare has awarded UT with a $20,000 grant that will be awarded to two doctoral nursing students, which the University will match dollar for dollar. America...


Austin startup RideScout hopes to make Austin public transportation a seamless experience

Zachary Keener February 20, 2014

An Austin-based app, RideScout, hopes to utilize the numerous transportation services available to Austinites to improve their downtown commute.  RideScout, which launched at last year’s...

New developments in nuclear fusion give scientists a better understanding of the field

Zachary Keener February 18, 2014

A breakthrough has been made in the field of nuclear fusion that brings the world’s understanding of the science one step closer to seeing it as a reliable source of energy. Researchers at the...

UT alumnus unveils exhibit on childhood and transition to adulthood

Zachary Keener February 13, 2014

Bodiless creatures called The Dwellers peer out from dark places in an art exhibit about childhood and the transition to adulthood that features a deteriorating skateboard ramp and wooden fort. The...


Program move allows more opportunity for students to study food

Zachary Keener February 6, 2014

Students will now have more opportunities to study the diverse food culture of Texas with the American studies department’s recent integration of Foodways Texas, a nonprofit that educates the community...

Artist duo presents career history

Zachary Keener February 4, 2014

On Monday, a presentation by The Art Guys, a duo of artists, involved a guitarist and a man in a dragon suit blowing party horns out of its nose. The group is comprised of artists Michael Galbreth and...


Blanton Museum tour shows evolving depictions of the American West

Zachary Keener January 31, 2014

The natural landscapes of the American West captivated artists from around the world at the beginning of the 20th century — and today, the Blanton Museum of Art staff hopes the paintings those artists...


About 5,000 show up for 20th annual 3M Half Marathon

Zachary Keener January 21, 2014

This year, the race started at the corner of Stonelake Boulevard and Capital of Texas Highway, continued through the UT campus and finished at Waterloo Park. Jane Kovacs, the event’s public relations...


Candidates for postdoctoral fellowship present lectures

Zachary Keener January 16, 2014

The first of two candidates vying for the prestigious Carlos E. Castaneda Postdoctoral Fellowship presented his research, which focuses on militarization along the Mexican-American border from 1848 to...

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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin