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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan


Obama’s community college plan is the wrong way to fix higher education

Jazmyn Griffin January 29, 2015

As the Texan recently covered, President Barack Obama has proposed a plan for free tuition at community colleges. But, as predicted, it didn’t go over well with his critics, who criticized the plan...


Let optimism, not pessimism, determine course of semester

Jeremi Suri January 27, 2015

I love this time of year, especially in Texas. While our friends in New York and Boston endure mountains of snow and frigid temperatures, we benefit from beautiful, sunny and mild days. Everything seems...

Tone-deaf Common Core rives broken communities yet further

Jordan Shenhar January 27, 2015

Public education systems across the United States are plagued with more problems — and more complex problems — than you’ll find on any trendy standardized math test. They perpetuate intergenerational...


Tuition increases must have limits

Daniel Hung January 26, 2015

Tuition rates at public universities in Texas are too high. Since the Texas Legislature deregulated tuition in 2003, the average tuition rate more than doubled in just 10 years from $1,934 to $3,951 per...

Falling oil prices could affect future college tuition rates

Chuck Matula January 26, 2015

Oil is in a slump and, on its face, that’s a good thing for you and me. Low gas prices mean embracing the fuel extravagances of yesteryear, like leaving your car idling in the parking all night so...

UT students’ response to Hebdo a slippery slope to full censorship

Jordan Shenhar January 22, 2015

Last fall, the Young Conservatives of Texas planned a mock sting operation to protest President Obama’s support for immigration reform, in which students would compete for prizes by tracking down...


Invest in Texas lobbies for students across the state

Taylor Guerrero January 21, 2015

Have you ever wondered who conveys your interests as a student at the University of Texas to the state Legislature? Invest in Texas is a student-led, nonpartisan advocacy effort dedicated to advocating...


This week’s Forum to focus on student involvement off campus

Amil Malik January 21, 2015

Last semester, Forum began as a new biweekly addition to The Daily Texan — serving as a place for students and professors to engage in a discussion regarding pressing issues of the moment. This semester,...


Student involvement in government goes beyond the classroom

Arjun Mocherla January 21, 2015

Aside from breakfast tacos, one of the biggest advantages of attending college in Austin is the easy access to the state Capitol just blocks from campus. As the buzz of the legislative session begins,...

Archer Fellowship Program takes UT to DC

Savannah Kumar January 21, 2015

What constitutes a classroom? For Archer Fellows, the classroom is the Lincoln Memorial, the Smithsonian Museum of the American Indian and the top of the Washington Monument. The classroom transcends physical...

UT students should pay attention to primary education bills this session

Claire Smith January 21, 2015

On Jan. 13, the 84th Legislature of Texas convened. Following a gubernatorial campaign that focused heavily on potential improvements to Texas’s education system, thanks in large part to the platform...

Killing of Charlie Hebdo staffers was unacceptable, but so, too, is the entrenched hatred of Muslims

Syed Rizvi January 16, 2015

On Jan. 7, gunmen attacked the offices of French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, killing a total of 12 people, including the Editor Stephane "Charb" Charbonnier and...

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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin