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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan


The path of no return

Rui Shi November 10, 2011

A recent Bloomberg article sheds light on a unique relationship that has been developing between U.S. universities and the Chinese government. Hanban, a Beijing-based organization with close ties to the...

Inflate grades in STEM programs

Samian Quazi November 9, 2011

As our nation remains mired in a chronic shortage of qualified science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) graduates, the United States will inevitably fall behind rising powers such as India and...

Turning around youth voter turnout

Katherine Taylor November 8, 2011

Today is Election Day across the United States, and given that voter turnout was only 7.5 percent for a similar election in 2009 in Travis County, you probably haven’t voted today. This statement...

Breaking out of the cult

Samantha Katsounas November 8, 2011

Robert Jeffress, a Baptist pastor with ties to Gov. Rick Perry, recently ignited a firestorm of controversy when he labeled Mormonism a “cult.” While some dismiss his claims as extremist and...

Discrimination and Texas’ brand and prattle

Zoya Waliany November 7, 2011

In the current political climate, buzzwords such as “oil,” “the Middle East” and “terrorist” are constantly thrust into the faces of the American public. Including modern-day...

MyEdu decision process flawed

Larisa Manescu November 7, 2011

Many students, especially during the rushed chaos of registration, have familiarized themselves with the Austin-based website, an online tool that offers professor reviews, schedule planners...

Consider students when addressing jaywalking

Helen Hansen November 4, 2011

Last week, the Austin Police Department began cracking down on jaywalking with a focus on Guadalupe Street, according to an article in The Daily Texan. The two-week campaign is a response to the 17 pedestrians...

Bending the future

Rui Shi November 3, 2011

Last week, Nokia unveiled its much-anticipated line of Windows-based smartphones at Nokia World 2011. In the past couple of years, the once-leading telecom giant has steadily fallen behind its competitors...

Perry: the thwartist and the hair

Katherine Taylor November 3, 2011

Rick Perry recently made the decision to skip some of the upcoming Republican presidential nominee debates and claims his past participation in debates was “a mistake.” Perhaps he’s...

Republicans drawing groans on student loans

Samian Quazi November 2, 2011

At a time when nationwide, youth-led protests have focused media attention on college graduates’ mounting student loan burdens, Republican presidential candidates have begun addressing this issue....

Managing jobs and debt from the desk of the president

Barack Obama November 2, 2011

Over the last few weeks, I’ve had the opportunity to get out of Washington and talk with folks across the country about how we can create jobs and get our economy growing faster. This is a tough...

Perry’s tax plan falls flat

Samantha Katsounas November 1, 2011

Early last week, presidential candidate Rick Perry debuted his new tax and spending reform plan in an effort to revitalize his floundering campaign. Advertised as straightforward, Perry’s Cut, Balance...

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