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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Because of weather conditions, delivery of Tuesday’s printed edition of The Daily Texan may be delayed in some areas.
Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Because of weather conditions, delivery of Tuesday’s printed edition of The Daily Texan may be delayed in some areas.
Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Because of weather conditions, delivery of Tuesday’s printed edition of The Daily Texan may be delayed in some areas.


Governor Rick Perry: only representing himself

June 27, 2011

Someone needs to inform Perry cheerleader Alan Sager, who was quoted in Thursday’s Daily Texan story “Perry considers presidential run,” that the “Texas story” has already...

Waste not, want not

Dave Player June 27, 2011

For the past several months, various members of the UT community, including students, alumni, legislators and prominent donors, have rallied their support for the University and its administration in...

Don’t centralize higher-education reform

Matt Daley June 23, 2011

UT is capable of reforming its teaching mission on its own, and it should be allowed to do so. Amid a flurry of outside reports and think tank publications suggesting to universities ways to improve...

Higher education is a waste

Clark Patterson June 23, 2011

In her Monday guest column, Natalie Butler argues that UT students should fight proposed state higher education cuts to protect the presumed value of their UT degree. What Butler ignores is that higher...

Quotes to note: 06.23.2011

Race-based admissions policy upheld “In our view, the nation’s future depends on students being exposed to diversity in their formative educational experiences.” — Joshua...

Invest more in education

Matt Daley June 22, 2011

A past teacher of mine opened her class by comparing learning math to building a wall out of bricks. Every year, a certain number of bricks, representing concepts and skills, were supposed to be added...

Champagne on a beer budget

June 20, 2011

After receiving several extremely defensive emails from UT President William Powers Jr., I wanted to learn more about the higher education debate that has obviously struck a nerve and was seemingly...

Our degrees matter

Natalie Butler June 20, 2011

To say that the conversations surrounding higher education in Texas over the past few months have been heated is an understatement. So-called “reforms” being pushed by outside interest groups...

Overview: Where’s Perry; Preserving higher education

Where's Perry? Last week, as the special session of the 82nd Texas Legislature put the finishing touches on one of the most hotly-contested state budgets in recent history, the most powerful...

An opportunity for UT graduates

Harold Fisch June 20, 2011

A new trend is shaking up Texas and has the potential to bring wealth and employment to thousands of Texans and UT graduates. New hydrofracking projects in South Texas have already made millionaires out...

Prohibiting sanctuary cities

Senate Bill 9, a bill that was added to the calendar for the special session, is part of the anti-Hispanic agenda the Texas GOP is carrying. SB 9 will prohibit sanctuary cities, expand the federal government’s...

A university divided

Holly Heinrich June 16, 2011

Four different U.S. congressmen will represent students living on and around the UT campus, effectively shattering the voting power of a student body numbering 50,000, under the congressional map passed...

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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin