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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Science and Technology


Aztec medicine could be more advanced than previously thought

Joyance Liao Mendoza November 1, 2018

Aztecs are famous for ancient pyramids and ancient chocolate recipes, but their medicinal herbs may have been as advanced as drugs used in modern medicine, said to Kelly McDonough, UT Spanish and Portuguese...


Austin leads Texas video game industry, research shows

Annie L. Zhang November 1, 2018

Austin, often lauded with various titles such as the “Live Music Capital of the World,” may be earning another — the “video game capital of Texas.” More than 270 gaming...


Music start-up “” orchestrates a new way to create

Isabella Anderson October 31, 2018

Ever wanted to produce your own music? If you’re a beginner, it’s harder than you might think. Between stolen tracks, convoluted mechanisms for collaboration and lesser known artists getting...

Visualizing Science Courtesy

Experts say science advances art

Grace Dickens October 31, 2018

The bright red sculpture made of steel beams adorning the front lawn of the engineering buildings sits perched like a ballerina in the eyes of Linda Henderson, professor of art history and specialist in...

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Computer scientists add features to Gates Dell Complex helper robots

Lauren Schneider October 30, 2018

People who aren’t regular visitors to the Gates Dell Complex may not be familiar with the fleet of robots that roam the building. A team of researchers in the computer science department recently...


“Zombie” flies control invasive ant species

Catherine Vincent October 29, 2018

Scientists are using brain-munching, mind-controlling flies to “zombify” and kill invasive fire ant species. This past weekend, Dr. Robert (Rob) Plowes, a research scientist in the Department...


Healthier Texas Summit explores race

Mina Kim October 29, 2018

Mental and physical consequences of racial inequalities threaded through the topics on the second day of the Healthier Texas Summit, a public-health event. Karen DeSalvo, a professor in Dell Medical...


Healthier Texas Summit tackles e-cigarette realities and prevention

Samagra Jain October 29, 2018

Marguerite Kelly’s grandson was 17 years old when he had a felony placed on his record. On the night of his arrest, he said good night to his parents before grabbing his younger cousin and smashing...


Spotify and collab to create DNA playlist

Annie Zhang October 26, 2018

If your genetic information had a soundtrack, what would it sound like? Spotify, a popular music streaming service, and AncestryDNA, a DNA-testing company, have partnered together to answer that question....

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UT alumna builds app to tackle science education

Grace Dickens October 26, 2018

A new science teaching app that engages and educates youth through hands-on experiences was just developed by Michelle Williams, a UT marketing alumna and CEO of Williams Learning Solutions. The app...

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Scary audio plays off psychology, UT-Austin expert says

Sunny Kim October 26, 2018

Scary movies have ominous sounds that give us goosebumps. Our physical dislike for spooky sounds in horror films is due to psychological cues and a part of our inner ear called the basilar membrane, psychology...


British colonial history explored through Central American skeletons

Lauren Rahman October 26, 2018

UT researchers are analyzing the DNA of Central American skeletons to understand the history of British colonization. Graduate research assistant Lauren Springs, a graduate anthropology student recently...

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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin