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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

All content by Alyssa Fernandez

30: Here’s some advice, nerds

Alyssa Fernandez May 5, 2017

I was once like you. I was once a nerd.  However, if you sign up for my eight-week program, you will learn a writing system that I developed over three semesters writing for The Daily Texan. Need...


30: Senior columnist says farewell after scamming us all

Alyssa Fernandez May 5, 2017

Editor’s note: A 30 column is a chance for departing permanent staff to say farewell and reflect on their time spent in The Daily Texan’s basement office. The term comes from the old typesetting...

HeLa case shows importance of patient privacy

Alyssa Fernandez April 27, 2017

Henrietta Lacks was an African-American woman who died of cervical cancer in 1951. Just before her death, doctors at Johns Hopkins Hospital took tissue samples of her tumor without her consent and discovered...


Ethan Couch case reveals double standards of criminal justice system

Alyssa Fernandez April 20, 2017

The U.S. has more individuals locked up per capita than any other country in the world with an estimated 2.3 million prisoners. This mass incarceration trend started in the late 1980s and early 1990s,...

Expanding community colleges would make higher education more accessible

Alyssa Fernandez April 13, 2017

There was a time when ‘higher education’ and ‘debt’ were mutually exclusive terms. Currently, college tuition is rising higher than the inflation rate, but there still remains one...


Competitive bidding led to New Central Library debacle

Alyssa Fernandez April 6, 2017

In 2006, Austin voters approved a $90 million bond to build the New Central Library. Since then the project’s price tag has bloated to $125 million and was projected to open this May after multiple...


Trump should reconsider his decision to skip annual White House Correspondents’ Dinner

Alyssa Fernandez March 23, 2017

For the past few months, President Donald Trump’s administration has been in constant conflict with the media. From Sean Spicer defending Trump’s wire-tapping claims to CNN momentarily banning...


Plastic surgery offers no panacea for students of color

Alyssa Fernandez March 9, 2017

Not that long ago, I was riding from Dallas to Austin on a flimsy Megabus. To pass the time, I decided to abuse my family’s shared data to stream Netflix and came across a documentary called “To...


Legislators must not limit mixed-income housing

Alyssa Fernandez February 23, 2017

Texas State Representative Valoree Swanson filed H.B. 1792, under which the bill would profoundly complicate the development of low-income housing in Texas. Under this bill, a development has 90 days...


New 365’s Cedar Park location fails to serve low-income residents

Alyssa Fernandez February 16, 2017

Whole Foods recently announced that they will open their budget-friendly 365 by Whole Foods Market subsidiary store in Cedar Park on April 26. This store is an attempt by the Austin-based company to fulfill...


Free market principles doom school choice

Alyssa Fernandez February 13, 2017

If I were to ask Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos what the biggest threat to education is, she might say grizzly bears — and I would say it’s because she treats education like a free market.  DeVos...

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Sean Spicer values relatable imaging over facts

Alyssa Fernandez February 6, 2017

Imagine if Archie Bunker went to Washington and was given a fancy suit. You have an idea of who White House press secretary Sean Spicer is.  Spicer begins his first official press briefing with...


Shift in economic focus toward manufacturing ignores key skills-based jobs

Alyssa Fernandez January 18, 2017

Congratulations to the Class of 2017! By now we have paid our dues over the past four (more or less) years as college students and are entitled to enjoy the comfort of routine. We graze through syllabus...


Political correctness debate centers around respect, not censorship

Alyssa Fernandez December 1, 2016

There are a lot of things that divide Americans –– Coke or Pepsi, Apple or Android, or whether you believe if political correctness violates your freedom of speech. The political correctness...


Industry-funded research leads to biased results

Alyssa Fernandez November 17, 2016

The internet has transformed not only the way we live and socialize, but also how we digest media. It is easy to point fingers at platforms such as Facebook for allowing fake news to circulate. Yet there...


Patient Zero myth creates hysteria and harms victims

Alyssa Fernandez November 10, 2016

Gaetan Dugas was a gay flight attendant that was featured in a landmark 1984 CDC study that tracked the transmission of HIV/AIDS into the United States. In that same study he was listed as “Patient...


Private school vouchers will hurt needy students

Alyssa Fernandez November 4, 2016

It’s no secret that there is an imbalance among Texas public school students in which the quality of their education depends on their ZIP code. Instead of addressing this, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick announced...


Misunderstanding of “equality” perpetuates racism

Alyssa Fernandez October 27, 2016

“Equality” is a tricky word because its meaning varies from person to person. Whether you ask a stranger at a gas station, a professor of African diaspora studies or a conservative selling...


Texas’ policies disproportionately affect minority women

Alyssa Fernandez October 13, 2016

Last Wednesday, Gov. Greg Abbott had a banquet. From their $60-$500 seats, guests listened as Abbott declared, “My promise to the abortion lobby is that Texas will be the strongest pro-life...


White nationalism has no ground in the immigration debate

Alyssa Fernandez October 6, 2016

From Brexit to burqa bans, 2016 has seen a global rise in white nationalist movements. Even in the U.S. the popularity of Trump and the alt-right can be associated with white nationalistic sentiments....


How to sell out and still be unpopular: An ode to Ted Cruz

Alyssa Fernandez September 30, 2016

Sitting five rows to the left of the stage during One on One With Ted Cruz, I left knowing two things. One, that Ted Cruz is voting for Trump. And two, he can’t tell you why. As soon as the senator...


Inclusive ethnic studies must be accurately taught

Alyssa Fernandez September 13, 2016

Two years ago, the Texas State Board of Education called for publishers to submit proposals for a Mexican-American studies textbook, in addition to other ethnic studies textbooks. At the time, this was...

Immigration issues alone cannot earn Hispanic votes

Alyssa Fernandez September 1, 2016

From the presidential debates being aired on Univision to Clinton’s first Spanish-language ad, there is a more visible effort to attract Latino voters this election cycle than previously been seen...


Grad school entrance exams favor wealthy students

Alyssa Fernandez August 29, 2016

Common sights found at the beginning of the semester include, but are not limited to, lanyard-wearing freshman, somber TAs and anxious seniors who are applying to graduate school. Whether these prospective...


Sex education needs a modern update

Alyssa Fernandez April 29, 2016

Sex can be a positive thing. But when states like Utah declare sex a public health hazard, it only reinforces the stigma toward sex. What these legislators fail to comprehend is that porn is not responsible...


Texas and Mexico should maintain critical trade relations

Alyssa Fernandez April 15, 2016

Mexico and Texas share more than a border. They have a trading partnership that is essential to reigniting economic growth within the United States While certain Republican politicians advocate excluding...


Music is artificial and should stay that way

Alyssa Fernandez April 11, 2016

Pop music sounds fake and it should stay that way. All the Mileys and Britneys didn’t spontaneously apparate into the world. They were produced in the same studio their songs were manufactured in....


Republic of Texas shall rise once and for all

Alyssa Fernandez April 1, 2016

Editor’s Note: In the spirit of April Fool’s Day, all material appearing on the Opinion page today is satirical and meant in jest. The opinions expressed on this page are not meant to be taken...


Texas should be more than cowboy culture

Alyssa Fernandez March 11, 2016

The cries of the Alamo and the classic “Come and take it” flag are disappointingly integral parts of Texas culture, whose attraction stems from the rebellious attitude the United States was...


Why you should swipe right on online dating

Alyssa Fernandez March 1, 2016

Online dating. It shouldn’t invoke cringes or individuals wondering when this 20-year-old fad will finally dissolve into obscurity. Unlike Silly Bandz, online dating is the new normal since it’s...


Porn is the misleading stand-in for real sex education

Alyssa Fernandez February 26, 2016

In California, “wrap it up” took on a new meaning in the adult film industry after state officials attempted to approve a measure that would have required pornographic actors to wear condoms...


Latinos need to vote to affect real change

Alyssa Fernandez February 12, 2016

It is easy to believe that colonialism is an issue of the past since U.S. citizens no longer deal with its traditional, external form — one nation exploiting another. Yet the remnants of this system...


Latinos need to expand the border narrative

Alyssa Fernandez January 27, 2016

If I say border, what do you picture? Is it rough-skinned laborers, desert skies and flat plains blanketed by the shadow of an overbearing wall? To the untrained eye this is the beginning, middle and end...

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Alyssa Fernandez