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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

All content by Nicole Cobler

Abbott elected next governor in landslide victory

Nicole Cobler and Jackie Wang November 5, 2014

Attorney General Greg Abbott was elected the state’s next governor by about a 20-point margin Tuesday night, extending the Republican Party’s hold on statewide elections to 16 years. At...

Photo of Harley Clark as, a Judge

‘Hook ’em Horns’ hand sign inventor Harley Clark dies

Eleanor Dearman and Nicole Cobler October 9, 2014

Harley Clark, the innovator of the "Hook ‘em Horns" hand sign, died Thursday morning at the age of 78, after fighting pancreatic cancer since February. Clark graduated from...


College of Liberal Arts policy change to stop graduate student funding after sixth year

Nicole Cobler May 22, 2014

A proposed policy change in the College of Liberal Arts that is expected to be implemented during the 2014-2015 academic year will stop funding for graduate students in the college after their sixth...

SG court ruling invalidates executive appointments

Nicole Cobler May 14, 2014

In a ruling Wednesday, the Student Government Judicial Court invalidated the external and internal appointments made by the new SG administration on April 29, stating that the SG executive board violated...

SG to consider undocumented students while supporting student IDs as a form of voter ID

Nicole Cobler May 1, 2014

While Student Government members hope to make student ID cards an eligible form of voter identification, some students have raised concerns about what this would mean for undocumented students.  Adam...


SG too closely affiliated to UT to discuss private loans

Nicole Cobler April 30, 2014

Student Government’s initial decision to inform students about the B-On-Time loan has been halted because, according to federal law, the organization is too closely affiliated to the University. The...

Petition delays SG appointments

Nicole Cobler April 30, 2014

Internal and external Student Government positions were not officially sworn in by the SG Judicial Court on Tuesday night because of controversies surrounding external appointments nominations. All...


UGS course gives away $100,000 to charities

Nicole Cobler April 29, 2014

Students distributed $100,000 among five charities Monday to mark the end of their semester in the UGS class “Philanthropy: The Power of Giving.” In its third semester, the course allows...


LGBTQ-friendly legislation faces barriers at UT System and state legislature

Nicole Cobler April 28, 2014

While the University often cites state law as a reason it cannot provide certain benefits to LGBTQ students and faculty, others say there are ways to circumvent these obstacles. Mandatory diversity...


Longest serving journalism faculty member Gene Burd to retire

Nicole Cobler April 28, 2014

Although the longest serving faculty member in the journalism school said he feels like he is not ready to leave, Gene Burd is retiring after 42 years of teaching. Burd’s last day will be Thursday. “Forty-two...

Student Government members withdraw support of Hall critique

Nicole Cobler April 24, 2014

A Student Government resolution calling for the resignation of UT System Regent Wallace Hall was taken off the SG agenda Tuesday because many students who originally sponsored the legislation felt that...


UHS hopes to inform more students about alcohol amnesty policies

Nicole Cobler April 23, 2014

Many students remain unaware of a policy that allows students to report alcohol-related emergencies without facing disciplinary action. Although there are more students aware of the University Health...

Students ask for Regent Wallace Hall’s resignation

Nicole Cobler April 21, 2014

Seventeen college councils at the University signed a letter to be released Monday asking that Regent Wallace Hall resign from his position at the UT System Board of Regents. The Senate of College Councils...

History professor becomes Pulitzer Prize finalist

Nicole Cobler April 16, 2014

History professor Jacqueline Jones was named as one of two finalists for the Pulitzer Prize in history Tuesday. Jones said she had no clue her book, “A Dreadful Deceit: The Myth of Race from the...


Increasing lack of affordable housing concerns graduate students

Nicole Cobler April 16, 2014

Alberto Jorge Vazquez Anderson, a graduate student from Mexico, came to the University in 2011 to study chemical engineering and quickly realized Austin is an expensive place to live.  Vazquez...


Online lecturing system expands beyond the College of Liberal Arts

Nicole Cobler April 15, 2014

Students may have the opportunity to make up class days lost to inclement weather through a program allowing professors to record and archive their lectures online. Two class days were fully canceled...

Butler School appoints Mary Ellen Poole from San Francisco Conservatory for Music as new director

Nicole Cobler April 15, 2014

The Butler School of Music appointed Mary Ellen Poole as the school’s director Monday. Poole will replace Glenn Richter, who was named interim director in 2012 when former director Glenn Chandler...


In speech, George W. Bush says education is today’s most important civil rights issue

Pete Stroud and Nicole Cobler April 11, 2014

In his speech Thursday night at the Civil Rights Summit, former President George W. Bush led with a joke that was, in the Johnsonian tradition, somewhat off-color. “Former presidents compare their...


Social justice panelists hope discussion will inspire change

Nicole Cobler April 10, 2014

At the Civil Rights Summit panel “Social Justice in the 21st Century: Empowering Minds, Changing Hearts, and Inspiring Service,” panelists from varying backgrounds agreed that despite the progress...

Student Government confirms appointments

Nicole Cobler April 9, 2014

Despite concerns from several assembly members about the lack of diversity among the appointed Student Government executive board, the assembly voted to confirm all appointed students to their positions...


Mayor Julian Castro and former Mississippi governor Haley Barbour discuss border security, immigration laws

Nicole Cobler April 8, 2014

Former Mississippi governor Haley Barbour and San Antonio mayor Julian Castro both said they felt optimistic that immigration laws would be passed in 2014, and agreed the U.S. government must do more to...

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Student leaders use the Civil Rights Summit as an opportunity to discuss issues

Nicole Cobler April 8, 2014

As the University prepares for the Civil Rights Summit, a number of student organizations agree that civil rights — including issues of immigration, LGBTQ rights, human trafficking and equality...


Students concerned about lack of diversity in SG Executive Board candidates

Nicole Cobler April 7, 2014

Of the five nominees for Student Government Executive Board made by SG President Kori Rady and Vice President Taylor Strickland, four are men, and three are members of Tejas Club — a spirit organization...


Despite city’s water restrictions, fountains turn on for Civil Rights Summit

Nicole Cobler April 7, 2014

While Austin is under stage two watering restrictions, the University, which is not required to follow city ordinances, will run the LBJ Fountain through the Civil Rights Summit on Tuesday, Wednesday and...


Advisers legally restricted from providing students with certain loan information

Nicole Cobler April 3, 2014

Federal laws that restrict what loans advisers are allowed to mention to students mean that students are not provided with information that could save them money, according to Tom Melecki, director of...


Rady and Strickland take reins of SG presidency and vice presidency

Nicole Cobler April 2, 2014

As newly-elected Student Government President Kori Rady and Vice President Taylor Strickland were sworn into their respective positions Tuesday, outgoing executives Horacio Villarreal and Ugeo Williams...


International students and their partners face additional barriers when dealing with domestic violence

Nicole Cobler April 1, 2014

When it comes to relationship violence, international students and their partners deal with barriers most other students on campus do not even consider. According to Erin Burrows, prevention and outreach...

Committee sends proposal to UT System Board of Regents recommending tuition increase

Nicole Cobler March 31, 2014

A committee of seven student leaders proposed a tuition increase of 2.6 percent for in-state and out-of-state undergraduate students to the president’s office Thursday, according to Student Government...


Israeli Block Party provides annual celebration, annual protest

Nicole Cobler March 25, 2014

For the 16th year in a row, students celebrated Israeli culture at a block party on the East Mall on Monday, while, right across Speedway, dozens of students yelled and chanted in protest of the event,...


Students rally against potential tuition increase

Nicole Cobler March 25, 2014

Students filled the back of the Student Activity Center’s legislative assembly room during three student leadership meetings last week to oppose a proposal that may recommend an increase in tuition...


TSM board votes to maintain daily printing schedule after promise of administrative support

Jordan Rudner and Nicole Cobler March 21, 2014

At its annual budget meeting Tuesday, the Texas Student Media board voted to keep The Daily Texan on its five-day a week print schedule after Roderick Hart, dean of the Moody College of Communications,...

Thousands register for Civil Rights Summit ticket lottery

Nicole Cobler March 21, 2014

More than 7,500 students signed up for the Civil Rights Summit at the LBJ Library and Presidential Museum within 24 hours after the student ticket lottery opened Wednesday. President Barack Obama will...


System regents ask student leaders to consider tuition raise

Nicole Cobler March 19, 2014

At the request of the UT System Board of Regents, a working group of student leaders will now consider up to a 2.6 percent increase for in-state undergraduate tuition in addition to the 3.6 percent...

Texas Student Media nears decision on whether to cut Daily Texan print schedule

Nicole Cobler March 19, 2014

Eleven members of the Texas Student Media board will make their final decision regarding the future print schedule of The Daily Texan on Friday, although TSM’s advertising revenue proposal was not...


Proposal may require students to pay for any wireless access

Nicole Cobler March 18, 2014

A new proposal may require all students to purchase bandwidth each semester to receive Internet access. William Green, director of networking and telecommunications at Information Technology Services,...


Wes Draper wins eighth University-wide representative position

Nicole Cobler March 7, 2014

Wes Draper took the eighth position for University-wide representative in a runoff election Thursday, after an additional week of campaigning since last week’s campus-wide elections. Draper,...


Wendy Davis touts education, abortion rights in election night speech

Nicole Cobler March 5, 2014

FORT WORTH — More than 100 supporters chanted Democratic candidate Wendy Davis' name at her campaign headquarters as she secured a predictable victory in the primary elections...

Student Government takes steps to give president veto power over bills

Nicole Cobler March 3, 2014

Students voted overwhelmingly to pass two Student Government referendums during campus-wide elections Thursday, even though the full details of the changes were not available on the ballot. Philip Wiseman,...


Rady, Strickland elected Student Government president, vice president in tight contest

Nicole Cobler February 28, 2014

For a complete list of election results, scroll to the bottom. After two days of voting and two hours of technical delays, Kori Rady and Taylor Strickland were elected Student Government president and...


Junior, ‘The Wendy’s Guy,’ placed in short-term housing

Nicole Cobler February 27, 2014

Ishmael Mohammed Jr., better known as “The Wendy’s Guy” or Junior, was moved into short-term housing last week after a UT alumnus led a drive that raised $30,000 earlier this month to...


Updated: ESB dismisses misconduct complaints against Rady-Strickland campaign

Nicole Cobler February 27, 2014

Updated (3:10 p.m.): Thursday afternoon, the election supervisory board released an opinion to dismiss the complaint brought against the Rady-Strickland campaign. At a hearing Wednesday night, Danny...

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Two campaigns run in first Graduate Student Assembly elections with executive alliances

Nicole Cobler February 26, 2014

When graduate students vote in Graduate Student Assembly elections Wednesday and Thursday, they will choose between executive alliances running for the presidential and vice-presidential positions for...

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Student Government debate shows differences between executive alliances

Nicole Cobler February 25, 2014

At the Student Government debate Monday night, executive alliance candidates highlighted their differences on the issues of a new program, Safe Ride, a student activity center in the Riverside area and...


Texas Student Media board considers reducing The Daily Texan print schedule to one day per week

Nicole Cobler February 22, 2014

In the face of serious financial shortfalls, the Texas Student Media board discussed a budget proposal that would include reducing The Daily Texan to a weekly, rather than daily, printing schedule at its...


Senate of College Councils elects new leaders

Nicole Cobler February 21, 2014

The Senate of College Councils elected Geetika Jerath as its next president on Thursday. Along with Jerath, Senate elected Yaneli Rubio as vice president and David Engleman as financial director. Both...

Interfraternity Council agrees not to endorse candidates

Nicole Cobler February 21, 2014

The Interfraternity Council decided not to endorse candidates this year after receiving criticism last year for an email sent to the leaders of the council’s 24 fraternities endorsing current Student...


Update: Accused SG candidates banned from campaigning for two days

Jordan Rudner and Nicole Cobler February 20, 2014

Update: Three candidates for University-wide representative positions were found guilty of campaigning in association with each other, and have been banned from campaigning for two days, according...


Rady, Strickland campaign inspired by personal experiences

Nicole Cobler February 19, 2014

Kornel “Kori” Rady, a government and corporate communications senior, said he hopes to represent as many different student groups as possible, which drew him to selecting corporate communications...


SG candidates Wilson and Carter hope to focus on tangible changes

Nicole Cobler February 19, 2014

Student Government presidential and vice presidential candidates Kenton Wilson and Caroline Carter have been involved in a total of 19 student organizations in their combined seven years at the University,...


Graduate student researches deaf culture

Nicole Cobler February 18, 2014

Winning Miss Deaf America in 2010 didn’t just mean a new title for graduate student Rachel Mazique — instead, the victory played a part in her career path. Mazique’s involvement in the...

Students wake up early to serve breakfast to the homeless

Nicole Cobler February 17, 2014

While most students’ alarms haven’t even gone off, civil engineering freshman Joshua Garza wakes up at 4 a.m. twice a week to serve breakfast to the homeless. Feed My People, a nonprofit...

Filing ends for student government

Nicole Cobler February 12, 2014

Two executive alliances kicked off campaigns for Student Government president and vice president Wednesday.  Kornel “Kori” Rady, a government and corporate communications senior, is...

Senate of College Councils requests more services for transfer students

Nicole Cobler February 11, 2014

When undeclared junior Joshua Alvarez transferred from Texas Tech to UT, he had to give up his two majors and had trouble finding housing — problems he feels were exacerbated by the University’s...


Alumnus raises about $30,000 to help Junior ‘The Wendy’s Guy’ get off the street

Nicole Cobler February 8, 2014

UT alumnus Benjamin McPhaul has raised approximately $30,000 since 9 a.m. Friday through an online campaign for Ishmael Mohammed Jr., better known as “The Wendy’s Guy” or Junior, to help...

Queer Students Alliance will recommend expanding health care benefits for transgender students

Nicole Cobler February 6, 2014

Members of UT’s Queer Students Alliance are working on legislation with the goal of convincing University administrators to expand health care benefits available for transgender students.  Legislation...

Numbers show small participation in Sanger Center’s new upper-division tutoring

Nicole Cobler February 5, 2014

Despite promotion from Student Government, four new upper-division tutoring sessions at the Sanger Learning Center amounted to a small percentage of the center’s total upper-division tutoring in...

Graduate students draft bill of rights

Nicole Cobler January 31, 2014

The Graduate Student Assembly is drafting a bill of rights requiring a baseline minimum stipend to help graduate students cope with the cost of living. Currently, there is no baseline stipend set, but...


Committee proposes tuition hike for out-of-state undergraduates

Nicole Cobler January 31, 2014

An ad hoc committee of student leaders, working to replace UT’s Tuition Policy Advisory Committee, proposed to increase tuition for out-of-state undergraduates by 3.6 percent after a process involving...


Petitioners protest proposed budget cuts to the Texas Memorial Museum

Nicole Cobler January 30, 2014

More than 1,750 people have signed a petition opposing the budget cut to the Texas Memorial Museum, which would cause eight of 11 employees to lose their jobs, according to the UT alumna Mary Newcomb,...


Student-run gardens provide produce for residence hall dining rooms

Nicole Cobler January 29, 2014

Austin is known for its locally grown foods, but the Jester dining halls take it a step further. Since December, some of the produce on Jester’s shelves has been grown in a student-run garden just...

New directing team and cast list set for ‘In The Heights’

Nicole Cobler January 24, 2014

After receiving intense backlash for the decision to stock a main-stage show with professional actors, the College of Fine Arts has recast its upcoming musical, “In the Heights,” with minority...


Girl Scouts allowed two booths on UT campus

Nicole Cobler January 23, 2014

As students plunge into the throes of Thin Mint season, young girls toting boxes of cookies and bags of change seem to take over every street corner — but, in reality, the University only allows...


President Powers addresses graduate students

Nicole Cobler January 23, 2014

In front of a crowd of graduate students Wednesday, President William Powers Jr. acknowledged a $96 million per year budget cut has slowed the University down. Powers assured the group — convened...


SG discusses affordable housing

Nicole Cobler January 22, 2014

President William Powers Jr. addressed affordable housing and the future of the Dell Medical School at a student government meeting Tuesday. “There’s a lot of challenges on the campus,”...


As TSM names interim director, alumni raise unanswered questions

Nicole Cobler and Jordan Rudner January 17, 2014

One day after The Daily Texan reported Texas Student Media properties were moving under the domain of the Moody College of Communication, the University appointed TSTV-KVRX studio engineer Frank Serpas...


McCombs School of Business to unveil technology-enhanced classrooms in the fall

Nicole Cobler January 16, 2014

Two new Active Learning Classrooms in the McCombs School of Business will be opening fall 2014, supported by a $500,000 grant from the professional services firm Deloitte.  The new classrooms will...


Amendment introduced to prevent Student Government election fraud

Nicole Cobler January 15, 2014

After past incidents of Student Government campaign impersonation, where students pretended to be affiliated with rivals’ campaigns to gather private information, some SG members proposed an amendmentTuesday...

Filing period opens for upcoming SG elections

Nicole Cobler January 14, 2014

Monday marked the first day students hoping to get elected to Student Government could begin filing for candidacy. Among the first-day filers are two pairs of executive alliances vying to be the student...


Brush fire causes evacuation at Belo Center for New Media

Nicole Cobler and Madlin Mekelburg January 13, 2014

The Belo Center for New Media was evacuated Monday after a bush caught fire outside the building. The fire, which affected several bushes lining the sidewalk on Dean Keeton Street, did not appear to damage...


Student president and vice president plan to finish year strong

Nicole Cobler January 13, 2014

Though Student Government president Horacio Villarreal and vice president Ugeo Williams have not set concrete plans for the second half of the school year, Villarreal said the pair will maintain their...


UT sophomore opens new Indian and Mediterranean food truck

Nicole Cobler January 13, 2014

Austin’s newest food truck specializes in Indian and Mediterranean food, but the menu isn’t the only thing that sets the truck apart — what makes Kababeque special is that it is...

Scientists may be able to monitor the rate of melting glaciers

Nicole Cobler December 6, 2013

After finding a way to monitor the rate of melting glaciers by listening to the ice itself, two UT researchers presented their findings Thursday. The project started when glaciologist Erin Pettit...


Campus provides stress relief before finals with ChillFest

Nicole Cobler December 3, 2013

Students had the opportunity to unwind by building Lego houses and popping bubble wrap Monday in the Texas Union ballroom for ChillFest.  The event, planned as a respite from the last week of classes...

Thanksgiving game crowd is still one of the largest

Nicole Cobler November 27, 2013

This Thanksgiving Day’s game against Texas Tech marks the second year UT will not be playing its long-time rival Texas A&M, but the crowd drawn to the stadium is still expected to be one of the...

West Mall’s history molded through free speech demonstrations

Nicole Cobler November 25, 2013

What started out as a single, dirt path students would walk across on their way to class has transformed into the pulse of the University for students to table and to protest. The West Mall, located...

Increased security will keep students safer in buildings after hours

Nicole Cobler November 22, 2013

With the installment of new security systems, the days of a custodians locking and unlocking buildings around campus are over. Of the 160 buildings on campus, 65-70 are installed with the Building Access...

Campus Environment Center builds box fort to promote recycling

Nicole Cobler November 16, 2013

Roughly 3,900 boxes were stacked together in the shape of Bevo for America Recycles Day to demonstrate the University’s commitment to recycling. Campus Environmental Center members began building...

College of Liberal Arts celebrates change

Nicole Cobler November 13, 2013

The College of Liberal Arts celebrated its diverse career path for students on Tuesday with a panel discussion on the changing role of a liberal arts education in the 21st century. The college, well-known...


Annette Strauss Institute responds to low voter turnout

Nicole Cobler November 11, 2013

Texans are some of the least engaged citizens in civic life in the United States, according to a national index. The low ranking was spotlighted on campus Saturday during the Texas Conference on Civic...

Blanton receives grant for doctoral candidates

Nicole Cobler November 4, 2013

The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation awarded a $504,000 grant Thursday to the Blanton Museum of Art to establish a curatorial fellowship program that will allow three doctoral candidates the opportunity to...


Rise in cooperative housing applicants

Nicole Cobler November 1, 2013

With the rise of apartment prices in West Campus, co-op housing has become a more popular option for student living. Most co-ops charge significantly less in rent than the West Campus apartments that...

Rise in co-op housing applicants

Nicole Cobler October 31, 2013

With the rise of apartment prices in West Campus, co-op housing has become a more popular option for student living. Most co-ops charge significantly less in rent than the West Campus apartments that...


Granddaughter of Winston Churchill speaks at Bass Lecture Hall

Nicole Cobler October 29, 2013

Sixty eight years after the close of World War II, Winston Churchill’s granddaughter said she believes his life and leadership skills are still valuable.  Celia Sandys, his granddaughter,...


Rejection letters of Nobel Prize winner Alice Munro found at Harry Ransom Center

Nicole Cobler October 28, 2013

An archive of rejection letters revealed 2013 Nobel Prize winner in Literature Alice Munro’s initial difficulties publishing her work in an American market. Munro’s work, which won her the...


Rejection letters of Nobel Prize winner Alice Munro found at Harry Ransom Center

Nicole Cobler October 28, 2013

An archive of rejection letters revealed 2013 Nobel Prize winner in Literature Alice Munro’s initial difficulties publishing her work in an American market. Munro’s work, which won her the...


Astronomy team discovers distance of furthest known galaxy

Nicole Cobler October 25, 2013

An astronomy team led by Steven Finkelstein, assistant professor of astronomy at UT, discovered the distance from Earth to the farthest known galaxy. Research to discover distant galaxies with the Hubble...


Students speak out against shuttle closures, shared services plan

Nicole Cobler October 17, 2013

Shuttle route cuts caused by a lack of funding and a new smarter service system were a few of the concerns expressed by students in the International Socialist Organization at a forum Wednesday.  The...


Government shutdown may affect student veteran services

Nicole Cobler October 16, 2013

UT student veterans, who would normally receive $1 million in federal money Nov. 1 for veterans’ disability and educational benefits, may not receive the payment because of the government shutdown. Across...


UT student and Colombian native presents research on coffee

Nicole Cobler October 11, 2013

Coffee is more than a tool students use to get up for that 8 a.m. class. It’s also an important commodity in international trade, Alejandro Berrio, native Colombian and an ecology, evolution and...


iPlant Collaborative receives $50 million renewal grant

Nicole Cobler October 7, 2013

The world of plant biology is a mouse click away from researchers at UT, thanks to a renewed $50 million grant that will help fund the iPlant program.  The program is a website that builds cyber...


UT Horn Day assists aspiring middle and high school horn players

Nicole Cobler October 7, 2013

Middle school, high school and college French horn players came together onstage for a concert Sunday as a part of UT Horn Day in the Butler School of Music. UT Horn Day is a free event open to middle...


Students and community members speak out against Smarter System

Nicole Cobler October 3, 2013

Chants rang through the halls of the Tower as members of Save Our Community Coalition went to deliver a letter to President William Powers Jr. Wednesday, expressing their concern with an outsourcing plan...

David Laude Photo

Vice provost steps down as head of Joint Admission Medical Program

Nicole Cobler September 29, 2013

David Laude, the University’s senior vice provost for enrollment and graduation management, will step down from his position as director of the Joint Admission Medical Program Faculty in order to...

Path to Admission through Co-Enrollment program takes off

Nicole Cobler September 26, 2013

In the inaugural year of a new co-enrollment program, 92 freshmen are simultaneously taking classes at UT and Austin Community College, with the goal of becoming full-time UT students over the course of...


Demand for birth control and access mismatched, study shows

Nicole Cobler September 23, 2013

Texas women prefer long-term and reversible birth control methods but don’t always have access to them, according to new research published by a UT sociology professor. The Population Research...

Free condoms, other goodies handed out at Healthyhorns Fest

Nicole Cobler September 19, 2013

Say the word “free” and every college student will come running, which is exactly what they did at Healthyhorns Fest, hosted by University Health Services at Gregory Plaza on Wednesday . Free...

Center for Neighborhood Technology forum discusses cost of living solutions

Nicole Cobler September 8, 2013

The Center for Neighborhood Technology held a city forum Friday to discuss the cost of housing and transportation in urban areas such as Austin. One of the biggest issues presented in the forum was...

Undergraduate research opportunity available to students from all majors

Nicole Cobler September 3, 2013

Science and biology majors met with students in areas of study less traditionally associated with resarch, such as communications and advertising, to attend a research information session Friday in the...


Thousands begin school year, football season with Big Yell

Nicole Cobler August 29, 2013

From the powerful sound of the Longhorn Band to the cheers of “Texas, Texas, yee haw,” a contagious excitement rocked the north side of the stadium.  About 4,000 people attended Wednesday’s...

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