Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan



IFC tightens wristband policy in preparation for RoundUp ’15

Wynne Davis March 27, 2015

Students from around the nation will flood West Campus for the 85th annual RoundUp event this weekend — and the Interfraternity Council is hoping all of them will be college students. This year,...


Backside backlash: New lumbar curvature study prompts criticism over social media

Sherry Tucci March 26, 2015

A recent study by University researchers concluded that men tend to prefer women with specific lumbar curvatures — and its promotion prompted criticism on social media. The study explored the...


University names new Division of Housing and Food Services executive director

Sebastian Herrera March 26, 2015

The Division of Student Affairs selected Hemlata Jhaveri, who currently serves as director of administrative services for the Division of Housing and Food Service, to be executive director of DHFS. Jhaveri...


Students protest UT’s merchandising deal because of labor rights concerns

Zainab Calcuttawala March 26, 2015

Students Against Sweatshops protested a new 10-year merchandising agreement between UT and 289c Apparel, which protesters allege has exhibited a pattern of labor violations in developing countries. Under...


Israel Block Party sparks annual protest

Samantha Ketterer March 26, 2015

While more than a thousand students came to celebrate Israeli culture at the Israel Block Party on the East Mall, dozens protested the party from feet away. Texas Hillel and Texans for Israel held...


Professor: African-American women are subject to greater scrutiny in airports

Rachel Lew March 25, 2015

African-American women are subject to greater airport security measures than other passengers at the airport, according to a UT professor. Sociology assistant professor Simone Browne spoke Tuesday about...


Speaker discusses gender roles and textiles in ancient Italy

Wes Scarborough March 25, 2015

Textiles from ancient Italy provide insight into the complexity of ancient societal rituals, such as weddings and funerals, and shed surprising light on the role of women in Etruscan society, according...


“Shark Tank” investor gives advice on achieving business success

Sebastian Herrera March 25, 2015

Daymond John, a successful entrepreneur and investor who gained fame on the hit television reality series “Shark Tank,” spoke at the University on Tuesday, giving students advice on a successful...


More beds still needed to keep up with student housing demand

Samantha Ketterer March 25, 2015

The number of on-campus housing applicants for fall 2014 was, again, more than the amount of people the University is equipped to house.  For the 2014–2015 school year, 9,743 students applied...


Lecturer: Removal of Cuban embargo will improve U.S.-Cuban diplomatic relations

Lauren Florence March 25, 2015

President Barack Obama’s January removal of the Cuban embargo is an important step toward restoring diplomatic relations between Cuba and the U.S., according to a senior research fellow at the Lyndon...


New Students Services selects new director

Rund Khayyat March 24, 2015

Celena Mondie-Milner will be the next director of New Students Services, the Office of Student Affairs announced Tuesday.  As director, Mondie-Milner will oversee UT orientation and such programs...


Panel discusses paying college athletes stipends

Zainab Calcuttawala March 24, 2015

Texas athletes-turned-lawmakers at a panel on Monday discussed the merits and challenges associated with paying student athletes a stipend for playing on university sports teams.  Although the...

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