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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan



Oppose dehumanizing ordinances, support our homeless neighbors

The Daily Texan Editorial Board October 11, 2019

Correction: An earlier version of this column incorrectly said that the murder of Haruka Weiser's was in 2015. It was in April of 2016. The Texan regrets this error. Homelessness is a crisis, but...


UT should provide more spaces for student art to be displayed

Paige Ruder October 10, 2019

The walk from my dorm room to my car is fairly dull. I always pass by the same “landmarks” — a tattered orange rag on the ground leftover from the UT vs. LSU game, broken glass that’s...

exploring austin illo

Students deserve opportunities to engage with Austin community

Sam Thielman October 10, 2019

Roses are red, OU still sucks, I hope you like campus because it looks like you’re stuck.  Putting our rivalry with OU aside, students really do get stuck on campus. Austin is a great city...


Extend flu shot drive to Saturdays to increase participation

Abhirupa Dasgupta October 9, 2019

The flu knocks you out like a sucker punch to the teeth. One minute you’re racing through your homework, going a mile a minute with nothing blocking your concentration. The next minute, you’re...


Out-of-state students need lifeline to adjust to life at UT

Jennifer Beck October 9, 2019

Moving away from home for college is an adjustment for everyone, whether you’re 10 minutes or 10 hours away. Being away from your friends, family and home for a prolonged period of time makes that...


Open doors to dancers’ success by opening more practice rooms

Neha Dronamraju October 9, 2019

If you’re looking to join a dance team at UT, you can choose from 46 options on HornsLink. If you’re looking for a dance room to practice in, you have approximately one tenth of that number...


UT can bridge the technological gap between education and career

Kisara Dang October 8, 2019

In 2020, 77% of all jobs will require some degree of technological skills. Whether students decide to pursue a career in health, business, communications or any other field after college, they will likely...


UT must rename RLM to Physics, Math and Astronomy

Patrick Lee October 8, 2019

UT is a constellation of iconic landmarks such as the Littlefield Fountain and the Frank Erwin Center. These buildings memorialize men who once enjoyed power, and their legacies are posthumously carved...


Students deserve prompt information about apartment ownership changes

Neha Dronamraju October 8, 2019

Home is associated with safety, comfort and most importantly familiarity. Everyone deserves to feel secure in their residence — temporary or permanent. However, these positive associations are threatened...


Students should not have to pay for their disabilities

Hannah Lopez October 4, 2019

At the University of Texas, students have to pay for their disabilities. For years, UT Parking and Transportation Services has put a price tag on accessibility for the disabled population ­—...


Let’s not ignore our neighbors

Neelesh Rathi October 3, 2019

“Perhaps the single most significant attribute of homelessness is its visibility.” Joel Blau wrote this in “The Visible Poor: Homelessness in the United States” in 1992 because...

collusion illo

UT’s academic dishonesty rules set students up for failure

Abhirupa Dasgupta October 3, 2019

In a blistering Canvas announcement entitled “A Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day for Many of You,” John Kappelman ousted almost 70 students in a GroupMe for his online Anthropology...

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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin