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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan


Vote in Saturday’s city council runoff

This year’s city council race for Place 3 between incumbent Randi Shade and challenger Kathie Tovo has been one of the most tightly contested local elections in years. The months-long campaigns...

Overview: Bias in the classroom

The recent study that investigated bias in the classroom found a correlation between students’ perception of bias and their resistance to changing their beliefs. The study, which will appear...

Overview: Bringing down the walls of prejudice

Rep. Wayne Christian, R-Center, made yet another attack on the GLBT community Thursday with his attempt to revive an amendment that would significantly reduce support for gender and sexuality centers...

Quotes to note: 06.09.2011

“I believe it is time to convene the leaders from each of our United States in a day of prayer and fasting, like that described in the book of Joel.” — Gov. Rick Perry on his proclamation...

Proceed with caution

Dave Player June 6, 2011

Imagine there is an obstacle you must clear. Your life’s work up to this point and your hopes for the future demand that you rise above it. Would you dedicate yourself to the task, embarking on a...

Quotes to note: 6.1.2011

An unbalanced budget Gov. Rick Perry called a special session Monday night after a Democratic filibuster of a public education reform bill prevented the Legislature from balancing the budget before...

Fates, interests intertwined

Douglas Luippold May 5, 2011

In the latest and perhaps the most surprising rebuke of attempts to reform Texas higher education, 22 prominent Texas A&M alumni formed the “Alliance for Texas A&M University” to...

Hands off UT

Dave Player May 3, 2011

An internal memorandum obtained by the Austin American-Statesman reveals that Gene Powell, the newly elected chairman of the Board of Regents, put forth some surprising ideas that seem at odds with what...

Overview: A rash response; let it die

A rash response Most UT students remember where they were when they heard about the most devastating terrorist attacks in American history. Within months after the World Trade Center fell...

Quotes to note

“With limited resources, it’s more important than ever to demand more value from each dollar invested in higher education. That will be the right message.” — Rep. Dan Branch,...

Quotes to note

Editor’s note: On Friday the Texas Public Policy Foundation (TPPF) hosted a panel to discuss several issues pertaining to Texas higher education, including a set of controversial reforms published...

Applauding Powers

Douglas Luippold April 28, 2011

When we met with UT President William Powers Jr. last fall, he stressed that his focus in the upcoming legislative session would be “budget cuts, budget cuts, budget cuts.” We never imagined...

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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin