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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin

The Daily Texan

Life and Arts


Familiar faces form new tunes in Divine Fits

Elizabeth Williams October 31, 2012

It’s been almost three years since Austin’s hometown heroes, Spoon, released their last record, Transference, leaving many of their fans asking what frontman Britt Daniel was up to. The answer...


Student DJs reveal what it takes to spin

Lindsey Cherner October 31, 2012

Following the likes of David Guetta, Deadmau5 and Avicii, students around campus are becoming self-taught disc jockeys and music producers, gaining a fan base and landing paid gigs. However, with...


Joyce Manor appeals to the masses with new album and Fun Fun Fun Fest appearance

Shane Miller October 31, 2012

Punk rock can be esoteric, but Joyce Manor’s fresh take on the genre appeals to a wide audience. Having recently received critical acclaim for its debut self-titled album, the band has been touring...

Sexual health report card places University Health Services in top 20

Milla Impola October 31, 2012

Happy Hump-lo-ween everyone! On this most splendid holiday, it is my great honor to inform all students, faculty, fans and rivals of The University of Texas at Austin that our university made it...


Book collection presents an assortment of the horror genre, gets readers ready for Halloween

Bobby Blanchard October 30, 2012

The best scary stories used to be told around a crackling fire or between the pages of a good book. Now, most nail-bitters are told at the modern movie theater, with screens as wide as 72 feet. These movies...

Justice with Broken Teeth Crew hits Austin Music Hall stage

Eli Watson October 30, 2012

Like its electronic dance music contemporaries, DJ duo Justice wants its fans to dance. Since its inception in 2003, Justice members Gaspard Auge and Xavier de Rosnay have released multiple EPs and two...

Multitalented artist releases new, darker album

Ricky Stein October 30, 2012

Artist name: Andrew Bird Album title: Hands of Glory Record label: Mom+Pop Music Songs to download: “Three White Horses,” “If I needed You” The last four years have been...

Vampires 2

Vampire stories suck in consumers

Sarah-Grace Sweeney October 29, 2012

The final installment of the “Twilight” film series is upon us and the shelves of bookstores are lined with vampire fiction, accordingly. It seems the vampire phenomenon is inescapable. But...


The Hearty Vegan hopes to bring tempeh and other organic foods to larger retailers

Stuart Railey October 29, 2012

Despite the shadow of today’s stifling economy, small business owners Beth and Becky Taylor have subsisted on a passion for delicious food and the adoration of their loyal customers, specializing...


Jami Attenberg delivers a dark comedy about family and food

Bobby Blanchard October 29, 2012

It takes a wicked human being to release a book about the dangers of eating too much right before the holiday season when we are all about to be shoving stuffing in our mouths. But that’s just what...


Adult trick-or-treaters sexualize childhood characters for Halloween

Faith Ann Ruszkowski October 29, 2012

Big Bird has now joined the ranks of Disney Princesses, nurses and pirates; he has been made into a “sexy Halloween costume” for women. After Mitt Romney notably remarked in the first presidential...


Bill Cosby sure to deliver at UT visit, audience reception uncertain

Faith Ann Ruszkowski October 26, 2012

When Bill Cosby returns to the UT stage Sunday night, his reputation will precede him. The legendary comedian has been to UT many times. He has a UT sweater. He has UT socks. He is an honorary member of...

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Official newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin